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Phonics - Wednesday 22nd

To start phonics this morning go through the super sounds. Then explore our sound of the week ‘sh’. Fred has posted the ‘sh’ words for you to have a go at. Go through each one and sound them out and then blend them. He wants to know it you can put the ‘sh’ words into sentences?

  • The shop has yummy mango.

  • The ship has big white sails.

  • The fish has green and pink scales.

Splat the sound: I have found my sparkly wand from the classroom and want you to play spot the sound. I am going to say a sound and you find it then point to it. See if you can get there before my sparkly wand does… Push play to have a go.

We are now going to read the next two pages of our book ‘The Web’ and see what happens with the spider. Have a go at sounding out the words and blending them with Fred.


  • What colour bugs were in the spiders web?

  • Was there a bug with spots?

  • How many wings did one bug have?

  • Why do you think at the end of the sentences there were 3 full stops?

  • Can you draw your own bug and then describe it to an adult?