Maths - Tuesday 12th
Today for maths, we are going to think about the different days of the week. Start of by listening to the special days of the week song linked below. Some of your mums and dads might recognise the theme tune...
Then your task today is to make your very own calendar. You will need to include a day card (M,T,W,TH,F,S,S) and weather cards too. If you were feeling really marvelous you might even add the date using numbers. Below is a list of things you will need and instructions how to make it.
Have a go at writing the days yourself using your phonic knowledge and drawing pictures for the weather. You might even add labels to the weather cards too such as 'sun' .
You are then going to change the days and weather for one week. Remember to use your names for the different days every time you change it and make sure you get the right day (I know it's hard in isolation haha). Here is an example of a little girls calender (video on google classroom so picture will have to do) made at home all by herself.