Maths - Wednesday 13th
So we have explored our daily routine and our weekly routine and now we are going to think about the whole year! Oh my goodness there are so many days in a year 365 in fact. But we are not going to think about all those days we are going to think about seasons and time linked to the different seasons. This links perfectly with our minibeast topic too! Can you name the four seasons? If not have a chat with an adult.
Start off by looking at the pictures below with all the different photos of the outdoors. Talk about each picture and decide which season it comes under and why?
Then look at the next lots of questions to the left and see if you can answer some of the questions with your adults. For example my birthday is in the winter.
Your then going to go outside and see if you can spot different signs of this season 'Summer'. You can either do this on your daily walk or in your garden. Make sure you use the sentence starter - In the season summer... To the right is an example of two children's conversation that they might have when spotting signs of summer.