Maths - Thursday 14th
For today's maths, we are going to continue thinking about time. We are going to explore and measure short periods of time in simple ways. Start by watching the YouTube clip of hickory dickory dock linked below. What times did you hear?
Then seeing as it is Thursday and forest school day we are going to do the tasks outside.
Ask your Robin, what do we use to measure time? They might say a watch, clock or timer. Then explain that today we are going to use a timer to see how long it takes to do certain things. Below, attached, on the different PDF images is activies/questions for you to time. You might have a sand timer at home or you could use a timer on a phone. Robins would enjoy stopping and starting it on a phone or iPad.
See if you can write answers or make a graph for the different questions and then write how long it takes next to it. Below is an example of how I set the results out...
Once you have completed all the tasks, it's time to write your own tasks and time them. Remember to get mum and dads involved too! Who can do the task the quickest?