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FriYAY sunshine!

It's FriYAY today! So...Happy Friday to all my lovely, chirpy Robins!

Another week of fantastic photos of all of you hard working and I even got some videos sent through this week, so a big thank you to all your mums and dads. It really means a lot to see all your brilliant work and puts a huge smile on my face. I can't believe it is nearly half term and we would have completed a whole half term of learning at home. It's great to see so many of you on google classrooms and next week I will only be posting on it from now on. If you're still not signed up then please do ASAP. There have been a few learning curves this week but I THINK I am getting the hang of it. Hold in there a little longer...

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend in the sunshine. I am going to go on a bike ride to the beach this weekend and bring a picnic - wish me luck haha! It's been a while since I've been on a bike... I have said I will try take pictures and post them sometime next week if it go successfully haha.

Anyway, a little video to say well done below. Enjoy and all have a fabulous weekend with your families. Keep safe as always.

Sparkly squidges

Miss Hall x