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Friday 3rd April

Happy Friday Squirrels.


Well done on your story writing this week. I am looking forward to reading your stories when we get back to school. Today I would like you to read your stories to your family. Reading your work to others can sometimes be a scary but don’t forget you are all very imaginative and great writers, you should all be proud of your work. Remember to use a big loud voice so everyone can hear.


Have a go at these maths problems. Don’t forget you may have to explain your answers!

Fact of the day.

One million Earths could fit inside the sun!

Joke of the day.
Which chocolate bars are an astronauts favourite?




Mars bars, milkyways and galaxy.

Tomorrow is the start of the Easter Holidays. I won’t be posting any work over the holidays as it is time to rest and have fun with your family. Posts will appear again on Monday 20th April. Keep reading lots and enjoy the sunshine.

Have a super Easter xxx