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Dazzling Dissolving!

In science this week, Hedgehogs’ implemented their very own experiment. We were exploring dissolving as part of our ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’ topic. We started by using bath bombs to see which temperature of water makes it dissolve the quickest. Year Two found out that it was hot water because the molecules move faster breaking down the bath bomb quicker. They were really amazed and learnt some interesting facts.

Then, Hegehogs’ got to implement their own investigations. They investigated which materials dissolved and which didn’t. They tested salt, sugar, coffee, oats and even jam! Year Two were excellent at adding the substances and then stirring them in warm water to see if they dissappered. We found out that salf, sugar and coffe dissovles and jam and oats don’t! It was such a fun afternoon and Hedgehogs were such brilliant, sensible scientists.