Amazing Art Week!
Art week has been a blast! Hedgehogs have loved the theme of ‘3D sculptures’ this year and were great at taking on the challenge of creating a piece of artwork linked to this. Year Two’s artwork was inspired by the ‘Snowdogs by Sea’. This was linked to the story ‘The Snowman and the Snowdogs’. So with this theme in mind and with the inspiration from all the artists that designed the snowdogs, we decided to try and create our own miniature versions. Hedgehogs used a range of skills to make these. They had to then plan, paint, push holes, cut, assemble and create. Everyone was so patient and really preserved with the task. Each snowdog turned out so unique (just like the ones we saw explored in the pictures) and I must say, rather cute! We were also so impressed with our final piece. The art gallery looked AMAZING! We also made some extra art bits such as sky spirals, A3 shadow portraits and bunting. Well done Hedgehogs!