Science, Potion stories and Christmas parties
We have made it to the end of Autumn term and Christmas has begun!
Before the end of term we finished off our science with an exciting experiment: making a gas (Carbon dioxide) from a solid (bicarbonate of soda) and a liquid (vinegar).
We also had lots of fun writing and telling our potion stories. Well done to the winners of the class vote: Emilia in 3rd place, Noah in 2nd place and the winner Beau!
In maths we are getting super speedy at our times tables and Wey and Rother were the best pair of houses in the recent Times Tables Rockstars challenge.
We had our Christmas party on Thursday afternoon and it was lovely (If a bit exhausting!) having the entire KS2 group together. The children have worked really hard this term and I hope they have a nice relaxing break, with just a bit of times tables practice sprinkled in around the festivities too! Thanks for all my kind gifts and I will see you all in January, Mr Butler.