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Monday 11th May


How was your weekend?

Tomorrow is the last day I’ll be posting on the blog. From then on, everything will be on google classroom.


This week we will be working on fractions. Have a look at the picture and see if you can work out what fraction of the rectangle each shape is worth. Start by looking for halves and quarters and seeing how far you can go. It might help to cut up a piece of paper to see the shapes.


Look at the videos on this page and then have a go at the tasks below

Activity One:

Add information to the sentences below, deciding whether to use commas, dashes or brackets.

1) John watched a scary film last night.

2) Sarah and her friend went to the park to play on the swings.

3) I lost my phone while I was out yesterday.

4) Dolphins belong to the mammal group of vertebrates.

5) My car is in the drive.

6) They went to the park to meet with Steven’s mum.

Activity Two:

Create 10 of your own sentences that include extra information and use commas, dashes or brackets to highlight the extra information.


Create a model or diagram showing the different parts of plant explaining what each part. If you click on the link there are some videos which explain the different parts of the plant and what they do.