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All together now!

It’s been a lovely, eventful week in Year 6.

Firstly, we had a beautiful, if a little hairy, young lady join our class for a Reading lesson. The delightful Carmen Rose came along to sit with us during reading. Afterwards, some children went out and read with her - we really look forwards to continuing working with her this term.

Thursday saw Years 5 and 6 working collaboratively - we love having the opportunity to work with children from other year groups. This time, Year 5 were very much in charge as we were helping them prepare for their Farmers’ Market which they are holding tomorrow afternoon.

One small request please - we have, this week, started rehearsing in earnest for our summer production and it is quite a tricky logistic exercise ensuring all Key Stage Two classes can be together at the same time. As a result, we plan our rehearsal time in the hall a long way in advance. Please, if you know your child may not be in (whether it be for a medical appointment or any other reason), try to let me know with as much notice as possible so that we can make best use of our rehearsal time. Thank you for your understanding.