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Work for Thursday 26 March

Me again!! How are you all doing out there?

I seem to have spent hours on my laptop doing work but am gradually trying to sort out a better process for juggling work-related things. I have filled out a very (I mean VERY) big spreadsheet that The Weald sent me - all about you lovely lot (well, 21 of you anyway!). That was fun (not!). It was even more fun when I thought I’d finished but then my laptop started to misbehave and I lost several hours’ worth of work and had to redo it. I was obviously extremely calm in my response…….!! Not sure about you though but, at the moment, with so much going on out in the big, wide world, it makes me realise how lucky I am and I am trying to get annoying little things into perspective.

So, on to Thursday’s work.


Remainder of arithmetic test from orange folder

Remaining questions from  Reasoning questions paper 2 orange folder


Science Fiction is precisely that. It is a piece of fiction (not real – made up – a story) with some sort of link to science. It does NOT mean that the setting always needs to be in a laboratory with lots of mad professors in white coats. That can sometimes be a bit obvious.

I want you to research online for a good piece of science fiction. I would like it to be written (rather than a film – more of that later). Your task today is to do that research and find a quality piece of science fiction writing. It only needs to be an extract from a book rather than a whole book, if you prefer. You need to keep a note of this piece of writing (either have the book with you, or know exactly where online you have found it) as you may need to refer to it again later.

What are the key features of Science Fiction writing from the text you found? List them in your red book.

In writing, describe the setting for the piece you found. Then, describe the characters. If you have only read a short excerpt, you may need to use your imagination to describe the setting and the characters.