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Year 6 work Tuesday 28 April

Hello again, one and all! It’s yet another Tuesday of learning from home! you lucky, lucky things. Here is today’s work…


Reasoning paper no 2 from your yellow folder (3a). Answers will be provided later this week.

Then, 15 mins on Times Table Rock Stars please. I do keep checking who has done what on there… some people are still not logging on. You really, really do need to keep this sort of thing ticking over, even though you aren’t formally coming to school. Remember - you might not go back to school until you start secondary school (fingers crossed that we all return to P&K but you just don’t know). You really do need to know your times tables at secondary school.


Finish your SPAG from last week (yellow folder - 3a). Then, take a look at the topic sheet for this term’s topic. As you an see, our topic will be linked with World War Two. We would n’t normally look at this until after the SATs but, as it is a very unusual year this year, we will start thinking about it now. I don’t need you t to start anything, just have a look at the ideas below and ponder…