So much fun and adventure at PGL

Yummy lunch of chicken pie, mash, baked beans, soup, salad, bread and butter ... the list goes on! Group 3 currently on Jacob’s ladder, which groups 1 and 2 tried this morning! Lots of very brave children. Proud! Letters have also been written and posted ( some with rather ‘upside down’ addresses!! Hopefully they’ll find their way back to mums, dads, grandmas and grandads!


Great night's sleep and fantastic start to the day ...

Good night’s sleep was had by all ( including Mrs Powell!!). The rain was every residential trip teachers’ best friend last night as everyone was back in their rooms by 9 pm and all in bed by 9-30... possibly a record for a first night. Not a single interruption.

Breakfast - everyone ate lots ( one of the boys had four pieces of toast and two hash browns plus various other ‘things’!)

Anderson Shelters

Year 6 have been busy in D&T designing and constructing Anderson shelters, as part of their WW2 topic. The class researched Anderson shelters and decided on materials needed to make sturdy and practical models of the shelters.

The class used corrugated card, wooden sticks, paint and lots of masking tape to construct the shelters. In order to test the strength of the shelters, children used books piled on top of the models - they all survived.

The class added their own features, such as the Union Jack flag, picket fences and gardens.


A Glorious Day to be by the Seaside!

Year 6 certainly picked the right day to celebrate their time together at Plaistow and Kirdford Primary School with an action packed day at Littlehampton Beach. After crab fishing, fun on the Harbour Park rides, fish and chips for lunch and crazy golf they finished the day with a play on the beach and an ice cream to cool off!

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World War Two talk

Year 6 were lucky enough to spend an afternoon this week hearing from Mr Ray Chase, a West Sussex resident aged 83, who came to tell us about his experiences growing up during the wartime.

We learnt all about Morrison shelters and life growing up during the uncertainty of war. Lots of children asked Ray questions and spent an invaluable, interesting afternoon in his company. We send him our best wishes and hope to invite him back again next year!

In other news, we are continuing with our rehearsals for the summer production - please can everyone keep learning their lines (this is instead of homework at the moment!).

We have our class trip to Littlehampton next week, on Friday 28 June - fingers crossed the rain will have disappeared by then!


All together now!

It’s been a lovely, eventful week in Year 6.

Firstly, we had a beautiful, if a little hairy, young lady join our class for a Reading lesson. The delightful Carmen Rose came along to sit with us during reading. Afterwards, some children went out and read with her - we really look forwards to continuing working with her this term.

Thursday saw Years 5 and 6 working collaboratively - we love having the opportunity to work with children from other year groups. This time, Year 5 were very much in charge as we were helping them prepare for their Farmers’ Market which they are holding tomorrow afternoon.

One small request please - we have, this week, started rehearsing in earnest for our summer production and it is quite a tricky logistic exercise ensuring all Key Stage Two classes can be together at the same time. As a result, we plan our rehearsal time in the hall a long way in advance. Please, if you know your child may not be in (whether it be for a medical appointment or any other reason), try to let me know with as much notice as possible so that we can make best use of our rehearsal time. Thank you for your understanding.


We like the number 150.. and we like Sainsbury's too!!

So, after the great success resulting from our persuasive letter writing, and several trips to Pulborough’s Sainsbury’s store by Mrs Powell over half term, we now have all sorts of huge decorations with the number 150 on them, together with a (literally!) man-sized cake! Year 6 wrote fabulous letters to Sainsbury’s explaining that, as well as it being their 150th anniversary this year, it was also our school’s 150th birthday too! Sainsbury’s have been so kind and have kindly given us all their decorations; they will also be making an enormous contribution to our school celebratory party later this year. Tina, at the store, is our hero at the moment and we want to say a huge thank you to her (and an equally huge well done from Mrs P to Year 6 for using their persuasive skills to such good effect).

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Pass Mrs Powell the tissues!

Another half term draws to a close with Mrs Powell in tears again - well done Jay for a very deserved PAKSA award.

This week we learnt about the harrowing true story of Anne Frank which leads us into our new topic after half term of World War 2. We went to the woods today with Ms Jessie; making camps, butter knives and listening to nature, a great way to unwind after SATS.

It has been a very special time, to watch this great class rise to every challenge and be united in their friendship.

Have a good break, rest - but read your scripts!!

As Gloria Gaynor sang... 'I will survive' ......

Well, the amazing Year 6 Badgers have been completely fabulous this week. We have learnt all about Amina, Adam, Lara, Khalid and their various strange purchases of stickers, cutting up of unusual shapes (only 2 cuts, mind you!) and goodness knows what else in the SATs tests but it is all over now!! And that is despite several of us having really nasty colds (me included - boo!).

We are now bouncing headlong into summer having really pushed ourselves and demonstrated everything we know. All we ever had to do was to do our best - no more than that - and that is precisely what we did!

Well done, Year 6 - we are so incredibly proud of you!


Break a leg etc (... actually, no, please don't!)

Good old Year 6 have been working their stripey socks off and it is nearly time for them to showcase their talents when they sit their SATs next week. All we ever ask is for everyone to do their best and I am hugely proud of their hard work and commitment.

In between all the hard work, we have had extra play times especially for Year 6, fun craft sessions with Mrs Stemp, discussions about the up-coming Key Stage Two production (the evening performances will be Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 July), chatted about Bikeability (the week beginning Monday 15 July - everyone will need road-worthy bikes and helmets), agreed our summer trip to Littlehampton (Friday 28 June) and have generally enjoyed helping and supporting one another. Please could I kindly ask that parents and guardians ensure all letters and consent forms are returned to school as quickly as possible - it is a really busy time for us all, with so many exciting things being arranged; chasing up forms and replies can take up a lot of time so all help with this is much appreciated.

This week, I have loved hearing children encouraging others - they are a wonderful, kind group of children and the whole Year 6 team are very proud of them. We hope they have a lovely weekend (the weather is slowly improving), lots of fresh air and a nice sleep on Sunday night! This time next week, it’ll all be over…

keep calm