Mayan visitors

We spent Monday morning immersed in a Mayan world when Ian from Mexicolore visited us. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about the Mayans and are looking forward to learning even more as the half term progresses. Some of us played different instruments, dressed up in unusual outfits and a couple of us tried playing a rather different game using a very heavy rubber ball and our hips!


The end of the Victorian era

Year 6 have learnt lots and lots about the Victorian era and managed to finish their Victorian samplers this week (serious speed sewing required - just like being in a Victorian workhouse!!).

Next term, we dive into learning about the Mayan civilisation - should be great fun. Mrs Powell and Mrs Cave hope the class have a fabulous, relaxing half term - see you in November. x

victorian samplers.jpg

All Aboard ...

Let the Dragon Boat racing commence!

Everyone is in fine fettle! After a rather nice lunch ( various baguettes/ wraps, crisps, salad and fruit), we’re out on the creek and about to commence the battle of the boats! The sun is out! Whoop ...

Spot the Duck!