Remember to switch over to Google Classrooms. 4 days left!

As you hopefully saw on Sunday and yesterday, w e are switching lessons over to Google Classrooms after this week. From next week, this blog will only be used for short messages, photos of bits and bobs etc, as it used to be used. As of last night, 2/3 of the class managed to get on to Google Classrooms in day one - well done to you all.

I am going to start ringing round over the next couple of days to see what is happening with those of you who haven’t yet managed, in case you are struggling. PLEASE ask your parents/carers for help on switching over.. It looks a bit tricky a first but it really isn’t.

Today’s work is on the blog post before this as well as on Google Classrooms (which also has a couple of short questions to keep you on your toes).

Year 6 work Tuesday 28 April

Hello again, one and all! It’s yet another Tuesday of learning from home! you lucky, lucky things. Here is today’s work…


Reasoning paper no 2 from your yellow folder (3a). Answers will be provided later this week.

Then, 15 mins on Times Table Rock Stars please. I do keep checking who has done what on there… some people are still not logging on. You really, really do need to keep this sort of thing ticking over, even though you aren’t formally coming to school. Remember - you might not go back to school until you start secondary school (fingers crossed that we all return to P&K but you just don’t know). You really do need to know your times tables at secondary school.


Finish your SPAG from last week (yellow folder - 3a). Then, take a look at the topic sheet for this term’s topic. As you an see, our topic will be linked with World War Two. We would n’t normally look at this until after the SATs but, as it is a very unusual year this year, we will start thinking about it now. I don’t need you t to start anything, just have a look at the ideas below and ponder…

WW2 topic.jpg

Y6 Monday 27 April

Hello to all you lovely little Badgers!! I miss you all very much. Believe it or not, I even miss the racket you make when I’ve rung my bell, I miss you not listening properly to what I’m saying , I miss the fact that you leave a complete mess on the floor ALL THE TIME, I miss saying to you, ‘I’m not your mother!’, I miss handing out sweets and not always getting a thank you,, I miss you losing things all the time, or saying you’ve been too busy to do your homework (again, in some cases!!)…. I seriously do miss you. I would never, ever have thought I would be typing this. How odd life is, eh?! What do you miss about me? Ha, ha - I dread to think!



Thank you, Year 6, and a big thank you to your lovely parents for helping you with this.


Year 6 work Monday 27 April

Morning lovely year 6. I miss you very much!

Here is today’s work…


Last Thursday, you tried the arithmetic paper from your yellow folders (3a). Below here are the answers. Please mark your test and email me your result. Some people are being absolutely fantastic at sending me their results but I have not heard anything at all from a third of the class, including the tests set before Easter. Please try to send me this information as soon as you can if you have results from previous tests that you have not yet submitted. I don’t yet know what information, in the absence of formal SATs tests, I will need to send off to your next schools which is why I am doing my best to help you keep ticking over all the fantastic learning you have done this year. Thanks.


Finish the Reading Comprehension test (3a from your yellow folder) that you started last week.Answers will be provided later this week.

arith 3a.jpg
arith 3 a 2.jpg

Moving over to Google Classrooms - parents needed!

There are a number of changes coming over the next two weeks for Year 6.

Google Classrooms:

In order to streamline my output, I am, this week, positing all work on both the blog and also on Google Classroom for Year 6. This will give you a week to get used to how Google Classrooms works. I am not an IT expert but managed t get to grips with it myself, at home, in a couple of days last week, including setting up and posting all the work etc, so it is definitely relatively straight forward for everyone! The best way, though, is to just put aside an hour or two and give it a proper go. Year 4 are already up and running with it so, if you are stuck and know a helpful Year 4 parent, they might be your best port of call in the first instance. There are definitely one or two Year 6 parents who also have Year 4 children so hopefully we can all help one another to get started on this new form of posting work.

For me, BY FAR, the biggest advantage to switching over is that I can add questions or small quizzes which the children have to answer. That way, I can see who has logged on and given things a go. At the moment, I have been receiving regular emails from some people but have heard nothing from a few others, so this will be a definite advantage in improving communication.

I have added here a copy of the google classrooms guide which will help your parents log on. Click on the Google Classrooms Parent Guide below for the guide.

You have to create your own email in the format as set out in the guide (firstnamesurname). These have already been created by school but we are unable to add a list here for GDPR reasons. One or two of you have complicated surnames - if that is you, please contact me asap to ask for the email details that have been created by school for you.

The classroom can be found at:

Password to join is: eh2cw2i

I have also attached a Google Classrooms handing in homework guide - click on the second button below. I will be checking who has handed work in although I won’t be sending individual feedback back each day. I can, of course, be on hand, as i have been fr the past 5 weeks, to provide advice and answer questions for both children and parents.

P.S. Make sure you are logged out of all your google accounts.

I have added a screenshot of the front page of the classroom. This is from the ‘stream’ page. To access lessons, you need to click on ‘classwork’ (top, of screen, second from left).

Using National Academy work:

In another weeks time, I will be referring to lessons created by a new set up called Oak National Academy. This has been created with government input to help provide high quality, online lessons for years Reception to 10. The advantage, for Year 6, is that if children are finding, say, the maths too easy, they can have a look at the Year 7 work instead. This should hold them in really good stead in readiness for their transition to secondary school in just a few months’ time. Equally, if things are proving too tricky, they can have a look at Year 5 instead. There is nothing wrong with doing this. Remember, what is taught in Year 6 has already been introduced in Year 5. Your child might just need a little time to go over the introduction of new areas again. That is absolutely fine.

In one week’s time I will be using lessons from the National Academy and you will see links to them in our Google Classroom. One thing I am really, really excited about is that it means we can now learn SPANISH!!! I think tat is fabulous. Anyway, more of this later but I just wanted to give you early notice of this exciting development in our online learning.

Finally, please, could I possibly ask for questions from parents and children to keep to normal working hours, (8-5 weekdays) really for my own well-being. Over the past few weeks, I have had very many emails etc at weekends and/or very late at night and it just makes it very hard for me to switch my tired old brain off from the job. If there is a way in which you could send them to me during normal hours, that would be enormously appreciated. Thank you, in advance.

Screenshot 2020-04-26 at 10.25.08.png

Year 6 work Friday 24 April

We’ve reached the end of the week. Whoopie doo…


Mark Target Your Maths pg 156 tests 1 and 2 (did test 1 in week 1 of online schooling and did test 2 earlier this week). . Picture is below with answers…

Draw a symmetrical pattern. Then, use that symmetrical pattern to create a card for an elderly relative (or someone who is alone at the moment  ...maybe a neighbour) and pop it in the post for them. 


Did you notice a symbol appearing throughout the book. Look really carefully at the images. It is all over the place. How many versions of it can you see throughout the book?

 What could it mean?

What is the purpose of a symbol? Think of times where you come across symbols.  (Logos such as Nike, football team symbols, school our badger logo).

Even though we are all far apart at the moment, can you design a symbol to represent OUR CLASS. It should unify us... Send me pictures of your versions by email if you can.


Year 6 work for Thursday 23 April

It’s nearly Friday … whoop, whoop! Partaaaaaaay! (Oh, I appear to have morphed into Miss Hall. How odd! I need to get out more!)


Arithmetic  paper in yellow folder (cpg set a)


Look at the picture of Bubba below. Check where it comes in the book (I have loaded the slides up in order over the days and weeks so you should be able to understand the chronological order… check Tuesday’s blog ).

There are no words at all on this page.

Why do you think the author chose to have no words at all here? Can you still understand what MIGHT be happening in this picture even though there are no words? Indeed, what do you THINK is happening in this picture? Look at his eyes...  Even if you don’t know what is happening, what do you think Bubba is sensing/feeling? Make notes to answer these questions.

Then, trying to use the same writing style as the author, write narrative (words) that COULD have been used on this page (Bubba picture). Hopefully, you will have noticed that the author repeats certain phrases throughout the book. That might help you ‘write in style’.


The KS2 Play!!!

Here it is… that moment you’ve all been waiting for……

Please note, the number represents the number of solo lines. Some groups have joint lines too.

Heroes - Stan Marvel, Superstan, DC

The Crumblies - Gran, Frank, Gloria and Bernard

Fun Factory Villains - Candy King, Dr What, Dr When, Dr Why, Curly, Wurly

Minions - Fizz is the leader of the minions (who will be from Year 5)

Megaville misfits - Mayor Doughnut, Bogeyman, Curator

Megaville reporters - Max Volume, Sunny Day, Dan Deadline, Peter Parker, Clark Kent

Megaville Marines - General Commotion, Private Eye., Private Property, Private Matters, Private Keep Out

Megaville Citizens - Banjo/Haribo, Ferrero/Fredo, Thornton/Cadbuty

We have combined a few parts into one. Peter and Parker are now just Peter Parker, Clark and Kent are now just Clark Kent. So you need to learn both lines (hope that makes sense!). Also, Banjo and Haribo are combined (let’s say as Haribo), Ferrero and Freddo as just Ferrero and also Thornton and Cadbury (shall we say as just Cadbury).. So again, you will need to learn both characters’ lines…

We are going to add in a few more solo bits in songs, particularly for Max V and Sunny D. More info on that to follow later but, for now - look at your lines and start to try to figure them out! I suggest looking the play up on youtube and watching it again there so you can focus on your character and how everything fits together.

We will also provide details of costumes etc in a while so don’t worry too much about that right now. I need to have chats with the other KS2 teachers but that may not be until next week…

Hope you’re happy!! Well done! xx

N.B. In the following list, the number shows how many spoken lines each role has.

An asterisk (*) before the character’s name indicates that this character ALSO has solo or featured sung lines.


Candy King    Lachlan................................................................................................................... 82

*Gran    Jessy ................................................................................................................................. 63

Curly    Rosie C............................................................................................................................... 52

*Stan Marvel    Jasmine................................................................................................................ 50

Wurly     Rosie E............................................................................................................................. 48

*Mayor      Mia.................................................................................................................................. 45

*DC      Daisy................................................................................................................................... 45

Superstan   Honor.......................................................................................................................... 45

Max Volume Sebby........................................................................................................................ 27

Bernard     Caspar.......................................................................................................................... 25

Frank      William............................................................................................................................. 24

Gloria   Livi....................................................................................................................................... 23

Dan Deadline   Eloise................................................................................................................... 19

Dr What    Aimee............................................................................................................................. 18

Dr When   Harry J.......................................................................................................................... 18

Dr Why   Eleanor............................................................................................................................ 17

General Commotion    Sophia...................................................................................................... 17

Sunny Day       Jody...................................................................................................................... 16

Peter  Parker     Max....................................................................................................................... 14

Clark Kent    Sylvester................................................................................................................... 14

The Bogeyman       Jessica Jeffery............................................................................................... 7

Private Keep Out       Alissia............................................................................................................ 5

Private Eye           Saffron................................................................................................................ 3

Private Property   Ben C.................................................................................................................. 3

Private Matters   Aaron..................................................................................................................... 3

The Curator   Oscar.......................................................................................................................... 3

Banjo  and   Haribo Cody................................................................................................................ 6

Ferrero and Freddo Cleo................................................................................................................. 6

Thornton and Cadbury Ilayda........................................................................................................ 6

Fizz     Angelina

The play!! Roles to be announced later today!!!

Hi everyone. Work for today is on a different blog (before this!).

Did you get to look at the night sky last night (see my blog from yesterday)? It was AMAZING here. I saw so many satellites, I couldn’t believe it. I did lots of squealing from my balcony! Plus, I think, I saw some meteors - I need to speak to my v old dad (who loves physics) etc to ask him about it.

If you didn’t look, check my blog post from yesterday and have a look at the website link I added there… you can have another go tonight.

Anyway - the moment you’ve all (??) been waiting for… is coming soon.

Miss Clark (she says ‘hi’) and I have been doing lots of work on the play and had a long chat yesterday sorting out parts for the play. Later today (keep checking on here), I will add details of who has which parts. No arguing, OK?!?! Just because some parts have less lines, that does not make them less important. Sometimes, the parts that people remember were relatively small but absolutely key to the plot, or very funny, or simply performed brilliantly. We have also combined a few parts into one- for eg, the roles of Peter and Parker have been combined into a single Peter Parker… it will all make sense later!

So… watch this space. Drum roll can start…. (you might need to keep going for several hours though - hehe - it’ll keep you occupied anyway!!). xx

Year 6 work for Wednesday 22 April

Another day, another blog! I’m getting used to this lark now!


Choose 20 different sized angles to draw. Then, without using your protractor, have a go at drawing them (pencil and ruler). For example, you might say you are going to draw an angle of 26, an angle of 78 and so on. Then try to draw them by estimation (not using protractor). See my top tip below before you start.

Then, measure the angles you have drawn and see how accurate (or not!) you were.

 Choose a range of acute (less than 90), obtuse (between 90 and 180) and reflex (more than 180) angles.

 I left protractors outside school early last week )(and mentioned them on here) so everyone should have one to hand.

TIP: do one angle at a time as that will help improve your accuracy. For example. I am going to try to draw an angle of 25 degrees. Then, try to draw it. Then measure it. How close was your estimate.  Then, move on to angle number 2.... and so on.


SPaG test from YELLOW folder  first 25 questions plus first test from Reading Comp in yellow folder. The first text is called Deserts.

Look out for satellites in the sky!

Me again! There’s all sorts going on in the night sky at the moment. If you look at this website (below) and search for your location, you can see times showing when it is best to look up and see a whole host of satellites going past above you.

I am going to look at about 9pm tonight - apparently, I should see 41 satellites going past. There are lots tomorrow too! Ask your mums and dads whether you can stay up a little bit late to have a look. Email me if you see some!

Year 6 work for Tuesday 21 April

We are creeping our way through April… thank goodness. Well, here is today’s work… bet you can’t wait!!


Target Your Maths pg 156 test 2. The page with the test on (you did Test 1 then) was posted on Wednesday March 25 so you’ll need to scroll back a bit (to that date) on this blog page.


Yesterday, you wrote down your prediction for the ending of the book. Reread the first slides of The Watertower. I have added the rest of the book below, so you can read that once you have reread the earlier part. It just helps to go over what you’ve read before as sometimes you identify or notice things which you had not done on your first attempt.

Now read the remaining slides of the book.

How close was your prediction?

Think back to your initial thoughts about Bubba and Spike’s relationship at the start. Has this changed now? How? Why? Make notes on this.

watertower 1.jpg

Year 6 work for Monday 20 April

Welcome to the Summer Term!! Who would have though that we’d be starting it like this?!

I hope you had a lovely Easter, ate far too much chocolate, saw fluffy bunnies jumping around in hedges, stroked curly little lambs, quacked at small ducks and generally had a happy, healthy time. I am fine but am missing being amongst 30 children instead of just a few slightly grumpy teenagers/young adults (bit unfair of me really - my own children have actually been very good company and we are improving our baking skills on a daily basis! My lovely Ted is still stuck in Spain, which is a bit horrible for me, but we do speak to him twice a day so, every cloud has a silver lining!). I’ve done lots of gardening, have tidied the basement (that was a tough job), cleaned all the skirting boards, sorted out Arthur’s pants and socks drawers (so many socks!!!), totally rearranged my kitchen cupboards (HUGE job - who knew that I would have 63 bowls?!) but… I still miss you lot!

Anyway, here is today’s exciting work!


Create your own pie chart showing something about you/ your house/ your family, Remember that it REALLY helps if your TOTAL is a factor of 360. Bonus point - explain why this helps! You should already have a protractor and compass as you needed them before Easter. You cannot do this work properly without this equipment.


Recap on The Watertower so far. 

Reread the slides of the book that I added before Easter. Think about the relationship between Bubba and Spike. Also, go back to check those three headlines you came up with before Easter. Remember, you will need those later.

Now, write down a prediction for what might happen next in the book. I would like at least half a page of writing, not simply one sentence!  Use your best English and allow yourselves time to edit and proof read. If you can, ask someone older than you at home to check your work as you know you are definitely NOT allowed to keep using capitals incorrectly... plus comma splicing has been A CRIME since last September!!

Easter holidays are nearly over! Booo!

Hi there, lovely Year 6 and families.

Just a quick post to say that I hope you have had a healthy, happy Easter. The weather has generally been really lovely and, at times when I have been feeling a little glum (generally related to missing my poor son, Ted, stuck in Spain), I try to remind myself that things could be so very much worse.

I wanted to let parents know that I have noticed a couple of offers near to where I live where people who have large gardens (and even woodland etc) have offered safe time (whole days, I believe) to play there for families who do not have a garden or safe outside space. Please do contact me if you would like me to pass on these details. It just seemed like a really lovely idea and I thought I would let you know in case you could do with a bit of time outside with your children where you could feel safe. The people making the offers say the gardens/woods would be totally yours to enjoy and there would be no interaction with them other than maybe a wave hello from a safe distance when you arrive. Anyway, have a think and let me know if you would like me to pass on the details.

Monday’s work will appear overnight on the blog. I am going to be in school on Monday morning (and part of the afternoon) so, if you KNOW you need something such as paper etc, please let me know in good time and I will leave some outside the front door for you.

Friday's work... 3 April ... Year 6

It’s the end of term!! Don’t know about you, but I’m delighted to reach this point!!! Today’s work is below here but there will be no work set at all over the Easter holidays. It is more important to spend time with your families (if you haven’t had enough of that already, haha!), playing in your gardens or safely walking in the woods etc. However, try to keep up with your TT Rock Stars (I can check, you know!!) and reading regularly. Reading at a difficult time like this really helps transport you elsewhere. If you don’t have enough books at home, see if a friend can leave one on their doorstep for you to go and borrow (safely, again) and vice versa. I’ll be back on Monday 20 April (I might not be able to keep myself away for that long so keep an eye out for occasional photos of my cats!!)

Here is Friday’s work…


Mark Reasoning paper 3… answers below. As usual, focus on the questions you got wrong. Did you make ‘silly’ mistakes? Did you miss out any pages?!?!?! (not naming names here but… it seems to be people with the initials JP that fall into this category. Was it something I said?!?)


Read the parts of the book from yesterday again This is important as it helps you get a real grasp of the story, the setting and the characters. Then, read the next few pages. After these pages, I want you to create thought bubbles for Bubba as he goes back inside the water tower.

What would he be thinking? He might have many different thoughts whirring through his mind. Sometimes, he might feel confident. Then, when he hears something, he might feel scared again, wondering what he just heard/saw etc. Then, he might try to reassure himself. Have a go. In the past, children have been able to come up with at least 10 different thoughts. They won’t be long paragraphs.. They are fleeting thoughts.


Another pandemic... but a much nicer one!

Today’s (Thursday) work is in a separate blog beneath here.

However, this morning, I came across this lovely poem which I thought I’d share with you. A clever friend send it to me to cheer me up and …. guess what? It made me smile! I hope you like it!

Smiling Is Infectious
by Spike Milligan

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized
I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile,
then I realized its worth.
A single smile, just like mine
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!

Thursday 2 April work for Year 6

Here is today’s work…


Reasoning paper 3 from orange folder. Answers will be available later this week (probably tomorrow, in fact!!).


I’m going to add below here the first few pages from The Watertower.

Read them (there is a word missing from the far right of one of the early pages the missing word is ‘swim’ … sorry, but loading everything up on here takes a long time and I have only just noticed this. You should be able to understand as long as you have read the above comment about the missing word!!)..

Once you have read these pages, write down what you think about Spike and Bubba’s friendship so far.

Then, using the pages, write down words and phrases to describe the tower.



Wednesday’s work is in a post beneath this post!

I wanted to let you know that I will be trying to ring around to everyone in the class over the next week or so.

If I am calling from my home, you will see ‘caller’s number withheld’ or something like that on your phone, so please try to answer! I will only call in the mornings. Don’t worry…. it’s only a very quick call to see how you are getting along. Try to think of something interesting to tell me … a nice walk you’ve had, something you’ve cooked, etc etc. We can talk though any problems you have had doing any of the work set and any issues getting on to Times Table Rock Stars etc (well done to lots of the class for getting onto it, however) so that I can try to help. Thank you to the 16 or so who have sent in test results. Very useful and you are doing absolutely brilliantly. Very well done. Thanks also for the lovely photos of art work inside and outside, plus random pictures of cats (and dogs with v short legs!). I love receiving them. Keep them coming!

Look forward to hearing your crazy voices shortly! xx

Wednesday 1 April work for Year 6

I so very much want to play a joke on you but I don’t dare as I don’t want it to backfire. So, share with me any jokes you play on your family!


In my house, there are 30 different cans of tinned food. in the kitchen cupboards These can be grouped as follows:

Soup 5 cans

Baked beans 7 cans

Canned sweetcorn 3 cans

Spam (!) 1 can

Tinned fruit 6 cans

Spaghetti hoops (my husband is a baby) 4 cans

Mushy peas (look, I'm from the North, alright?) 4 cans

Show my range of canned goods in a carefully measured pie chart!


The start of our science fiction text. I know some people have said they ‘don’t like science fiction!’… I’m afraid it is a genre we have to study and need to remain open minded about what science fiction actually is.

Below is the first page from our book, The Watertower.

Pupils to sketch what they think the water tower looks like based on the text. Label the different aspects that they have drawn. Does what they have drawn remind them of anything else? Then, after you have done your labelled sketch, watch the follow…

Pupils to sketch what they think the water tower looks like based on the text. Label the different aspects that they have drawn. Does what they have drawn remind them of anything else?

Then, after you have done your labelled sketch, watch the following video on youtube (copy and paste the link below into your search engine)…

From the youtube clip, AND the first page of the book, above, take on the role of a newspaper editor. Today, I want you to plan THREE dramatic newspaper headlines about the goings on in the town of Preston (which is in Australia, not the one in Lancashire where I was born!!). Something strange has been happening there. Locals have started panicking. People have been disappearing. People have been behaving very oddly, very oddly indeed. For a bonus point, you could also write the orientation for each of your headlines. Remember the orientation is that short, opening paragraph (maybe one or two sentences) that summarizes the newspaper article and comes at the start of the article, beneath the headline.

You will need these headlines for some work after Easter so don’t lose them!

OK! How can anyone say they don’t like sci fi now!?!

Tuesday 31 March Year 6

The last day of March… who could have guessed that we would be doing so much work online. However, tomorrow is the start of April. After you have played a brilliant April' Fools joke on your parents= tomorrow, let’s all hope that April brings brighter news for us all and that we all keep healthy and safe.


Measure the height of at least 10 different objects in your household. Write them down in cms, then covert all to both metres and mms.

Find the range of all the heights, in cm.

Then, find the mean (in cm). List all the heights (cm) of the objects in descending order.

Bonus - TT Rockstars for 15 mins (once the rest of today's maths work is done!)


Answers to Reading Comp from last week were added in yesterday’s blog post. Please mark carefully..

Once marked, you can email me your scores from the 4 tests last week (arithmetic, Reasoning paper 2, SPaG and Reading comp).

Now start plotting your trick on your family for tomorrow make it a really good one! Hehe!!