Thank a Teacher Day!
Today I worked with the key worker children and collected a few things they appreciated about each of our teachers, it makes for a really lovely list:
Mr. King - A brilliant storyteller (who does excellent voices/accents), he is very intelligent and caring. Works really hard and is a great leader and headteacher.
Mrs. Powell - Formidable (in a good way!), protective, caring, very smart and always wants the best for her class.
Miss. Clark - An amazing singer and musician, always a creative spirit who is helpful and very smart.
Mr. Ind - Playful and energetic, he plays football with us, he is kind and funny although a bit messy!
Mrs. Howe- Always helpful and friendly, she always wears good clothes and has a forgiving nature. She is also a brilliant actress!
Miss. Moss-Silverson - Very, very, very kind and lovely, with nice hair. She is so fun and arty.
Miss. Gordon - Another good singer, who is happy and always smiley. She is smart and always makes our lessons fun.
Miss. Dore - She is very sporty and competitive, we love her energy and sense of fun. She is always super kind and really hard-working.
Miss. Hall - She is so funny. She is caring, pretty and glamorous! Miss Hall is always happy and cheerful and brightens up the day.
Mrs. Jesse and Mrs. Morris - We love all the lessons and opportunities they provide for us. They are thoughtful, caring and always creative.
Mrs. Tappenden - She is calm, kind and always understanding. You can always chat to Mrs. Tappenden and feel like she has listened.