Home School Agreement
We believe in a strong partnership between the school and the parents or guardians, in the best interests of pupils, and are in fact legally required to ask you to enter into an Agreement of Partnership.
Parents or guardians, like the school, have duties towards the children. We set out these duties below as pledges, and include pledges for your child as well:
Pledges for the Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
I/we promise that, having chosen Plaistow and Kirdford Primary School, I/we will accept the school’s overall aims and objectives, and positively support the class teacher.
I/we will endeavour to:
ensure regular attendance and punctuality, and provide explanations for absence
support school and staff in achieving high standards of work and behaviour
ensure that the school has up-to-date information for emergency contact
keep the school informed on end-of-day child collection arrangements, and support the school’s golden rules (see attached), which seeks to guarantee a caring, secure and disciplined environment
let the school know of any problems which might affect my/our child’s work or behaviour
attend parent-teacher consultations about my/our child’s attainment and progress
support my/our child in completing their homework and encourage other opportunities for home learning
support school community events
support all school policies.
Pledges for the School:
We will do our best to make you feel welcome and valued at school, and to give you every opportunity to be involved in our teaching and learning programmes. We will give you regular information about your child’s progress in acquiring knowledge and skills, and we will give you early notice of any concerns we may have about learning, behaviour or relationships. We will seek in every way to give your child an excellent education, both academic and social.
The School will endeavour to:
set high standards, and provide a quality education for your child
encourage your child to achieve his or her potential in all aspects of school life
care for your child as a valued member of the school community, irrespective of gender, race or religion.
maintain a code of conduct which fosters a caring, secure and disciplined environment
provide a broad and balanced curriculum, matched to the needs of all
keep parents and guardians informed about any changes in the policies of the school, and about general school matters
extend quality care to everyone connected with the school.
Pledges for the Pupil:
In order for this agreement of partnership between my parent(s)/guardian(s) and my school to be successful, I must:
attend school regularly, on time and ready to learn and take part in school activities
co-operate with the staff and accept the school’s authority and rules of conduct
work to the best of my ability
strive to make my parent(s)/guardian(s) and the school proud of me
consider and respect the feelings and property of other people in school and in the wider community
care for the grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and books provided at school.
make sure that I allow others around me to learn and work to the best of their ability.
make sure I follow the school’s Golden Rules
By working together we aim to provide a positive and fulfilling experience at school, thereby helping all the children at Plaistow and Kirdford Primary School to achieve their full potential.