School Life
The majority of teaching takes place in whole class lessons of mixed abilities. Work is differentiated by class teachers to ensure that there is support for those who need it, as well as work to challenge and extend the more able and where appropriate classes may include pupils from more than one year group. A variety of approaches to teaching and learning are used within lessons, children work as individuals, in small groups or as a whole class as appropriate to the nature of the learning involved.
School is open from 8.45am and the school day finises at 3.30pm.
A school day would typically follow the routine below.
8.45am Children arrive in school
9.00am—9.05am Registration
9.05am—10.35am Teaching session
10.35am—10.55am Break
10-55am—12.15pm Teaching session
12.15pm—1.15pm Lunch
1.15pm—3.30pm Teaching session
There is an additional fifteen minute break in the afternoon for Reception and Key Stage One children at 2.15pm.
Class Timetables
Arrangements for the start of the school day
A member of staff, usually the Headteacher will be on duty from 8.45am and will be at the front of the school to meet children arriving on the school buses. Children arrive in school between 8.45am, they proceed directly to the cloakroom and then their classroom where there will be a learning task for them to complete. Registers are swiftly taken at 9.00am.
Teaching staff will normally be available to see parents briefly between 8.45 and 9.00am. However, registers will start promptly at 9am. If you wish to speak at length with a member of staff, please make an appointment.
Break Time
There is a 20 minute mid-morning break. Children in KS2 may bring a healthy snack, such as a piece of fruit and a drink, which should be separate from their packed lunch. Children in KS1 will be provided with a healthy snack and drink. Children have access to drinking water during the day so many do not bring an additional drink.
Lunch Time
All children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to a free school meal: these are ordered through the school office. If your child does not want a hot school meal, you may provide your own packed lunch.
For Years Three, Four, Five and Six, hot meals are available to order using the Meal Selector website, or they may bring a packed lunch if you prefer. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed. Please do not send drinks in cans or breakable containers. All lunches are eaten in the school hall.
In some situations children in Key Stage Two may be eligible for Free School Meals. For more information click here
After lunch, all children play outside. There is a range of play equipment available. All pupils play together in a cooperative and caring environment. On very wet days there are indoor games and activities provided for the children.