At Plaistow and Kirdford we looked at how we can give our school families useful resources they can choose to use at home so that their children can continue to build on their learning.

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is the leading digital education platform for schools around the world and is recognised by the Department for Education (DfE). It is part of the Google for Education service, enabling the school to benefit from a number of leading online services, in addition to Google Classroom - you can find out more about Google for Education by clicking here…

Introduction Video to Google Classroom (2mins)

Introduction Video to Google Classroom (2mins)

  • Accessible on Windows, Android and IOS and across phones, tablets and laptops/PCs;

  • Secure and Safe platform – uses “school vetted” content and resources - which only our governors, staff and children/families can access; and

  • It is a way of our teachers staying in contact with pupils in addition to our regular phone calls.

Google Classroom provides additional functionality over the existing class blogs, to help engagement with our students and to support them completing class work remote:

  • Assignments can be set, with documents, video guidance and links to other education sources such as the Oak National Academy;

  • Students can upload their work, confirm they have completed tasks and provide feedback to their teachers on the homework;

  • Teachers can provide posts of information, requests and suggestion to their class; and

  • Quizzes and knowledge checks can be used to help the student check their progress and learning with direct feedback to the student.

To access Google Classroom, click on the image on the right, go to (make sure you have the right user ID selected in the top right-hand corner) or download the app from the Android or Apple IOS App Store for your tablet or phone.

How do Students use Google Classroom?

The video and guide below provide additional information about how to work with Google Classroom, covering areas such as accessing homework and handing in work.

Video Guide for Students (5mins)

Video Guide for Students (5mins)

  • Teachers set assignments each day containing, tasks, work to complete or resources to access, with ‘due date’ for completion.

  • Students can work through their tasks and provide feedback on their work

How can I get help?

There are loads of great resources and help guides on the Google Classroom website, as well as on YouTube.

  • For help on the content, please contact your class teacher.

  • If you need any specific advice about how to use Google Classroom, problems gaining access or passwords resetting, please use the form below.

Google Classroom Support Request