Charging and Remissions
As a general rule, the school makes no charge for activities or equipment, but invites parents to make voluntary contributions in certain circumstances.
Voluntary contributions will be sought to cover the costs of trips and visits or visitors of educational value. It will always be made clear to parents that there is no obligation to pay but in certain circumstances it may be that the activity could not go ahead unless all parents who were able to contribute, were willing to do so.
Optional extras, e.g. theatre visits out of school hours, will be charged on the basis of cost.
The school does operate a savings scheme for residential visits.
To see our Charging and Remissions Policy please refer to our Policies Page.
Charging Exceptions
We appreciate that some families might find it particularly difficult to contribute all or part of the suggested sum, and if you feel that you are in such a position, please do not hesitate to contact Mr King in confidence to discuss whether some suitable arrangements can be made to cover the cost of your child’s participation.
The parents of pupils in receipt of Income Support or Family Credit, Disability Allowance or income based Jobseeker’s Allowance may qualify for assistance. The Headteacher/School Business Manager will be available to discuss such issues in confidence.
We also stress that if a family were unable contribute, and the trip were still to proceed, no child with the class/group for whom the trip is intended will be disadvantaged and be left out of the activity.