Computing led by Miss gordon
Computing is taught as a subject in it’s own right, but computers are also used to assist learning in other areas of the curriculum. The school uses ICT to support and enhance the delivery of the National Curriculum in most subjects and it includes the use of a variety of electronic systems that store, process and present information such as computers, programmable robots, voice recorders and calculators. The children have Internet access through a controlled environment and are required to sign an Acceptable Use Agreement. The school aims to provide opportunities for all children to extend their knowledge, experience and organisational skills across the curriculum; to develop their practical skills in the use of ICT; to give all children equal opportunity to use and apply ICT skills; to encourage children’s confidence and enthusiasm for their work and to enable them to respond positively to the changes and challenges that ICT will present in the future. To support their use of ICT equipment school has recently invested in 32 laptops, interactive whiteboard panels for each classroom, a computer base in each classroom and a school set of iPads.