Current School Status

Updated 13th July 2021 at 4pm

Wraparound Clubs

  • Breakfast Club - OPEN

  • Badgers After-school Club - OPEN

After-school Clubs

  • Extra curricular clubs - OPEN

School Hours External Clubs

  • Music - OPEN


  • Year 6 - OPEN

  • Year 5 - OPEN

  • Year 4 - OPEN

  • Year 3 - OPEN

  • Year 2 - OPEN

  • Year 1 - OPEN

  • Year R - OPEN


  • Kirdford Bus - RUNNING AS NORMAL

  • Dunsfold Bus - RUNNING AS NORMAL


Contacting the School

Due to staff shortages and increased activities to manage the impact of these recent class closures, we are asking that parents and carers to please only call the office if the matter is urgent! In non-urgent cases, please review the options below.

  • ABSENCE - If you need to report an absence, please use the SCHOOL ABSENCE LINE by calling 01403 871275

  • RETURNING FROM ABSENCE - If your child has been off school, and attends one of the OPEN classes, you MUST complete a RETURN TO SCHOOL form.

  • CHANGE TO BUSES - To inform the school your child is no longer getting the bus or now needs to get the bus, please email

  • CHANGE TO COLLECTION - To inform the school your child is being picked up by someone else, please email and provide details.

  • MISSING CLOTHING OR LUNCH - To inform the school a child is missing an item of clothing or lunch, please email and provide details. Items can be left in the school reception lobby.

  • RETURN TO SCHOOL DATES - All information on return to school dates from isolation is posted above.

  • INFORMATION ON COVID - Information can be found in the links below in the section Updates and Further Information.

  • GENERAL ENQUIRIES - Please search the website in the first instance otherwise please email and provide details.

General Advice

Unless you or your child has been identified as being a close contact of a confirmed case then there is no need to self-isolate. Children should still come to school.

  • If someone in your household develops covid symptoms then they should take a PCR test and the whole household should isolate until they either receive a negative result or until they finish a 10 day isolation period.

  • Parents and Carers know their families best. If you have a concern regarding covid symptoms your first call should be to NHS 111 who will be best placed to support you.


For updates and further information please check the Public Health England (PHE) website: