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Forest School Blog No. 12

If you’ve got a whole day

Grow a secret garden for butterflies

• Make a butterfly feeder

• Finding moths

Observing moths is very easy; you don’t even have to actively look for them. Moths are attracted to light and also to the smell of fermented sugar and ripe fruit – both food sources.

Light set up for beginners

1.      Any type of light will attract moths. Just leave the porch light on and wait and see what is attracted to it. If you are in the garden, you can use battery-operated lights or even a torch.

2.      Moths need a surface to rest on. White sheets are often used. Hang a sheet over washing line, or fence or between two trees, and shine the light on it. An outside wall also works well if your light is set up near a house or a building.

3.      Wait for the moths to come to your light so you can observe and photograph them.

If you’ve got a couple of hours

• Create a nature garden

• Head to your local green space and look for wildlife

• Read a book under a tree

If you’ve got half an hour

• Go for a run in a green space

• Film wildlife

• Make a game using natural things

If you’ve got ten minutes

• Hug a tree

• Smell a flower

• Step outside, close your eyes and enjoy the fresh air

• Look in the long grass, what can you see or hear?

• Tell someone about your favourite natural thing

When your next out on a walk, how many trees can you identify?

The Natural History Museum has a Tree ID sheet you can use.

You can also go for a virtual tour of the museum from home.

Learn how to be a nature writer
Whether you’re a budding author or a total novice, putting pen to paper is a great way to record important moments, lose yourself in a new story or have a go at the poem hidden inside you.

Get closer to nature on your doorstep and join families in their gardens for the Wild Challenge.

Get inspired by nature and earn your Green Blue Peter Badge.

Over the last 12 weeks, you must have done many things that can earn you your Green Blue Peter Badge.

This is my last Online Forest School before the Summer holidays. Make sure you continue to be nature detectives over the holidays and use all your senses to discover yet more wildlife and enjoy the beautiful natural world.

Have fun!

Mrs Morris