Our Goals for the Year 2016-2017
Each year, the staff team reviews the achievement of pupils and draws out elements that we want to develop or improve as a school. These areas form the foundation of our School Development Plan. The staff team and governors then use the plan as a means of achieving these goals. The plan itself is a fluid document that can change throughout the year as we try new things, but the goals remain the same.
- Raise attainment in writing by developing editing skills in pupils so that their phonic and spelling accuracy is noticeably improved in their writing.
This has come about following our writing moderation at the end of Key Stage Two. One of the elements that really helped to move our children on in their writing in Year Six and provide a sound evidence base for assessment was the children’s editing skills. Specifically proof reading for spelling errors. This year we aim to improve this practice across all year groups.
- Raise attainment in Maths through a particular emphasis on times tables and place value.
When we reviewed our half termly assessments and end of year assessments, one element thatwas raised was that times tables and place value were a key areas that needed to be worked on.
Raise attainment in girls’ maths by creating opportunities to develop a love of maths.
In some classes we noticed that girls were being out performed at a higher level than boys. We want to build opportunities for girls to develop an excitement and love of maths.
Further embed a love of reading through developing our library.
We worked hard on really building a love of reading last year through our “Hot Reads” and this year we want to maintain that through the development of our central library. With PAKSA, our staff team and school council we are working to build a new library in the heart of our school. This will involve the replacement of our ICT suite and refurbishment of the area. As well as purchasing exciting new stock for the library.