Summer Sticks

Today Robins’ took advantage of the shinning sun and made some very brightly coloured ‘Summer Sticks’. They were very good at using their fine motor skills to wrap the wool around the stick. Our summer sticks are now hanging in the outdoor area so make sure you take a look!


Bug Ball

WOW! Robins’ had so much fun this week dressing up as bugs for ‘The Ugly Bug Ball’. They played party games, dressed up and even had a picnic with wiggly worms. Robins’ have worked super hard this half term on their ‘Minibeasts’ topic and really deserved a celebration. Well Done!


Butterfly Garden's

All week Robins’ have a been working hard to create their own butterfly garden’s. We have planned, made and discussed what we might put in them to attract butterflies. We learnt that flowers would be a good thing to put in them as butterflies drink nectar.


Minibeast Art

Today Robins’ created their own gigantic insects using paint. We enjoyed creating these outside in the sunshine along with the creepy crawlies around us! They looked bold and realistic once we had finished with them. Make sure you have a peep at them in our classroom.


Lulu Ladybird Writing


Today we read the story ‘Lulu Ladybird’ and drew a huge picture of her. Robins’ then added word around her to describe her appearance and personality. Believe it or not… Robins’ writing is getting better than Miss Hall’s and it is really starting to bug her!


Minibeast Cafe

Today we set up a ‘Minibeast Cafe’ with crisps, ham, yoghurt, cheese and sweets. We were investigating which food was the tastiest for the bugs. Believe it or not sweets were the most popular food (not only for the bugs)! Robins’ decided this was because it was sugary.


We made a WORMERY!


Who knew that Robins’ could make their very own wormery?

Today we collected mud, sand and leaves to make a layered wormery for the worms to live in for the next week. Robins’ then found some worms and added them into the bottle. Take a look…

We are now excited scientists to see what happens over the next few days.

Minibeast Safari!

Robins’ went to the woods to search for some bugs today. They found a spider, a worm and lots of woodlice. They used pots and plastic spoons to capture and study the bugs. Then we released back into the wild. We are very excited to start our new minibeast topic!
