Art Week in Squirrels class
The children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves this week and have created some imaginative and colourful works of art. Alongside the art, we have been listening to poetry from an anthology, illustrated by our chosen artist Eric Carle
We used wax crayons and a bronze paint wash to create our golden eagles. We explored how the wax is resistant to the paint and how much water we needed to add to the paint to create the effect.
Next, we used pastels, real feathers and pipe cleaners to create our hens. In English, we have been studying the story of the Little Red Hen, which has included some drama too!
Our final art project is a collaborative peacock. The class have been fascinated by video clips of real peacocks, both coloured and white. Indeed, the images of the white peacock were so beautiful that it brought tears to one child’s eyes. We haven’t quite assembled the final piece yet. But it will be on display for our art exhibition on Wednesday afternoon, next week.