Amazing Art Week!

Art week has been a blast! Hedgehogs have loved the theme of ‘3D sculptures’ this year and were great at taking on the challenge of creating a piece of artwork linked to this. Year Two’s artwork was inspired by the ‘Snowdogs by Sea’. This was linked to the story ‘The Snowman and the Snowdogs’. So with this theme in mind and with the inspiration from all the artists that designed the snowdogs, we decided to try and create our own miniature versions. Hedgehogs used a range of skills to make these. They had to then plan, paint, push holes, cut, assemble and create. Everyone was so patient and really preserved with the task. Each snowdog turned out so unique (just like the ones we saw explored in the pictures) and I must say, rather cute! We were also so impressed with our final piece. The art gallery looked AMAZING! We also made some extra art bits such as sky spirals, A3 shadow portraits and bunting. Well done Hedgehogs! 

Fabulous Flowers!

Over the last couple of weeks, Hedgehogs have explored all things flowers as part of our ‘Flower Head’ art topic. We have looked at the shape, form, texture and colour of flowers as well as exploring different famous artists and their paintings. Year Two loved Vincent Van Gogh - Sunflowers and Paul Cezanne - The Vase of Tulips. On Tuesday, we were using actual flowers, pictures of flowers and artists' artwork to inspire our very own pieces of art. Hedgehogs had the task to create their own flowers using a range of materials such as clay, tissue paper and coloured paper. The time and detail they put into their artwork was amazing and I think we have a full class of artists. Every single piece of art was so different and unique. Our classroom is full of BEAUTIFUL flowers. Well done Hedgehogs! 

Super Scientists!

Hedgehogs have been working super hard in their science topic ‘Uses of Materials’. Over the last couple of weeks, Year Two have been exploring different materials and why they are made of a particular property. We found out that some materials are absorbent, waterproof, hard, smooth, transparent… the list goes on. So, this week, we completed a very exciting science experiment where we tested paper to explore the different properties. Who knew paper could be so exciting? The lab coats and goggles were out and the class transformed into scientists. Hedgehogs experimented with paper, cardboard, tissue paper and paper towels. We tested to see how strong the paper was, the texture and how absorbent it was. The results were very interesting and Year Two were great at explaining which paper is best for each job. Well done Hedgehogs!

Exciting Erosion!

Hedgehogs have loved learning about our new topic in Geography and have spent lots of lessons exploring the coastline. This week, it got super exciting in our classroom as we looked at erosion and how it affects our beaches. We made our very own erosion happen and set up an experiment to see it happening in real life. First of all we used sand, water and building blocks to make this happen where we observed erosion and buildings (the blocks) being destroyed easily. Then, Year Two learnt about sea walls and how this can help protect our coastline. So we then tried the experiment again but this time used rocks to create a seawall. It was such an exciting afternoon!!!

Super Shapes!

Hedgehogs have worked super hard in maths this week. Year Two has been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have learnt the different names for both sets of shapes and discovered that the 3D shapes have some tricky names! We also found out that a 2D shape is flat and a 3D is solid. This was really handy when we were sorting them out. Hedgehogs then used the shapes to copy and draw them or even make their own sculptures and patterns. Some of the children even went on a shape hunt and found the different 2D and 3D shapes around the classroom. Who knew we had so many shapes in our pile of leaves? It's been a fun week in maths!

Happy Christmas Hedgehogs!

WOW… what a sparkly and fabulous week Hedgehogs have had. Year Two have really worked their socks off! Miss Hall has been so impressed with how hard working and super every Hedgehog has been. They did absolutely brilliantly in the nativity and were so brave. They should be so proud of themselves. Year Two have also written some very detailed stories about ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ and boogied away at the Christmas party. It has been a wonderful way to end the term. Now it’s time for a well deserved two weeks off. Enjoy a fun filled, restful and magical Christmas Hedgehogs and we will see you in the new year!

Magnificent Maths!

Hedgehogs have worked super hard in maths this week. We have had to use a lot of brain power to learn a new strategy. Year Two has been working on adding and subtracting two digit numbers together. We discovered that a number line is not the best for these big numbers! So, we discovered column addition and column subtraction. Hedgehogs had a lesson on using resources to find the answer. Then they use representations of tens and ones to find the numbers. Finally, we wrote numbers to work out the number sentences. Year Two were excellent at getting the hang of this strategy and answered a range of number sentences. We sure do have some magnificent mathematicians in our class. Well done Hedgehogs. Super proud of you!

Still Life Artwork

This week Hedgehogs started a new art topic called ‘Still Life’. This is all about different artists' and their interpretations of objects. We found out that the objects could be either man made or natural. Year Two loved looking at the different colours and angles of each piece of artwork. We then discussed the similarities and differences between pictures and the Hedgehogs were great at doing this. Year Two then went outside and used nature to make their own still life pictures by arranging the different objects. It was such fun and Hedgehogs were so creative!

Spectacular Stamps!

In Art, Hedgehogs have continued exploring the topic ‘Mix It Up’. Their challenge, this week, was to make their own stamps using clay and then use them with paint. They had to use primary colours to make secondary colours and then see if their stamp worked to create a picture. Hedgehogs were excellent at making their stamps. Year Two used the clay to make balls then flattened them out and added holes with different objects to make their own, individual stamps. Hedgehogs were so sensible and surprisingly… it wasn’t that messy. The time and detail children took over their individual creations were amazing to watch and Hedgehogs really did have fun! We had a whole class of artists. 

Amazing Authors!

This week Hedgehogs wrote their very first story in year Two. They became authors and wow… They did so well. For weeks and weeks, we have been building up to constructing our own stories inspired by the book ‘How to Catch a Star’. The story is all about how a little boy wants to catch a star to be his friend. Year Two had to make their own versions of this. They had to design their own characters, plan their stories using a story mountain and then write their stories. They were all so proud of themselves because they had written so much and discovered that each and every Hedgehog was an author. This is only the beginning. The stories were great  and Miss Hall really enjoyed reading them!

Remarkable Recipes!

Hedgehogs had a very exciting Wednesday afternoon as we made…PLAY DOUGH! As part of our topic, ‘Remarkable recipes’, Year Two had the challenge of following instructions and making their very own space play dough. Over the last couple of weeks, we have looked at how to be safe in the kitchen when using different cooking tools and even made safety posters. Safety in the kitchen is very important. So, making play dough was the next challenge to this topic. Hedgehogs had to make sure they had the right measurements of ingredients, used cooking tools and even used different cooking techniques like kneading to get the right consistency. Luckily the flour stayed in the bowl. It was such a fun afternoon and Hedgehogs were super sensible too! What will we make next?

An Amazing Astronaut

This week, in our topic movers and shakers, we explored a local significant person. We looked at and learnt all about Tim Peake. He was an astronaut that went to the international space station. Hedgehogs loved learning about him and was so intrigued that he originally  came from down the road in Chichester! Year Two learnt lots of facts about Tim Peake and then added these facts into rockets. Some wrote some really interesting and even Miss Hall learnt lots of new things. The lesson ended with lots of Hedgehogs wanting to fly into space!

Mix It Madness!

This week Hedgehogs started their new art topic ‘Mix it’. This topic is all about primary and secondary colours and how they are made. Year Two learnt that mixing two colours together can make another colour. We had an afternoon exploring this and WOW… did it get messy in the classroom. A good kind of messy though. Once they discovered how to make the different colours, Hedgehogs then added these to a colour wheel. There were lots of unique colours and different shades of green, purple and oranges.

Hello Happy Hedgehogs!

WOW, What a fantastic week and few days! It has been lovely getting to know all the new Year Twos’ and been great watching them settle into our pile of cosy leaves. They all have been very grown up in the classroom and have all been looking very smart taking the role very seriously as top of KS1. I think it is going to be a super (sparkly) year. It has been brilliant to be back in the classroom with happy, helpful and hard working Hedgehogs.

They’ve had their spikes at the ready and noses down working super hard on their English, Maths and adjusting to new routines. We’ve had so much fun learning, exploring, and making all things hedgehogs. We have also started our new topic 'Movers and Shakers’ and already Year Two are keen to learn new facts and get stuck into different activities. Have a sneak peak below…

Another Magnificent Mechanism!

In Design and Technology, Hedgehogs created another mechanism. They explored the spring. Year Two used paper and folded it in different ways to make springs. There were two different types of spring. A simple one and then a more complicated one with two bits of paper. Hedgehogs were so fascinated by this technique and enjoyed sticking random drawn objects on the top of the springs (mainly football themed)! We had such a fun morning creating these and the Year Two’s perseverance was great. They were all really proud of themselves! 

Amazing Art!

Year Two had a very creative Wednesday afternoon with lots of tissue paper and glue. Hedgehogs had the challenge of creating a bug or insect using the collage technique. They were excellent at using the right colours, ripping tiny bits of tissue and placing them into very delicately drawn minibeasts! The outcome was brilliant but the process of making them was even better. Year Two had such fun creating their bugs and I was so impressed with how many artists are in our class.

Marvellous Mechanisms!

Hedgehogs have been exploring all things Design and Technology. We have started our topic ‘Push and Pull’ which is all about how different machines and mechanisms work. Year Two already knows so much about different moving machines and has a great knowledge on this topic. This week we have been exploring sliding mechanisms and lever mechanisms where we made our own! We used paper to make a sliding motion with a cut out car and road. Hedgehogs were fascinated. Then for the lever motion we used paper cut outs and a split pin. We had such fun when we made these! Take a look below…

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs and More BUGS!

This week has been all about BUGS! As part of our Science topic ‘Animal Survival’, we have been exploring a lot of different things about insects and bugs. In English, we have explored lots and lots of facts about minibeasts and Hedgehogs were great at working in teams to find as many facts as they could. In Science, Year Two looked at life cycles and created some great diagrams of the life cycle of a butterfly. We were all so fascinated with the big scientific words and different stages of the cycle. Lastly, Hedgehogs have been great bug spotters all week and keep telling Miss Hall where the best place is to find a bug in their habitat. I think we’ve all gone a bit bug crazy!

A Super Sports Week!

This week has been sports week! Hedgehogs have been very excited, energetic and enthusiastic about all the activities. They have worked together in team building games, experienced some skateboarding and even used bow some archery. Everyone has been so brave and supportive towards one another! It has been lovely to see the Hedgehogs out of their comfort zones. What a lovely week we have had (Thanks Miss Dore) and I can confirm that Year Two is definitely a sporty class.