Royal Portraits!
This week, Hedgehogs started their new topic ‘Magnificent Monarchs’ and they have been super enthusiastic about all the kings and queens. In art, we explored different portraits of famous royals from the past and unpicked their pictures. We looked at their clothing, stances and even their facial expressions. We learnt that if the portrait takes up most of the picture then it shows the royal was very important. Hedgehogs were fascinated by King Henry VIII and how different portraits of him had different meanings.
So, Year Two had the task of making themselves into royal portraits. Firstly, we practised standing and acting like monarchs. Then we used sketching skills to produce our pictures and Hedgehogs had to be very specific with how their hair was placed, what clothing they added and even how they drew their eyes. It was great to see such detail put into the pictures and they weren’t too distracted by the mirror either. Year Two were amazing and true artists. Have a look and see what you think…