Week 2, Day 1 30.03.20

Today I have included some useful websites for your parents to look at, just in case you want more learning activities to do at home. P.S. The Scratch website is very good for coding!

Please don’t forget to practise your spellings as you will be tested on Friday and house points are on offer!

Congratulations to the winners of the Times Table Rockstars for last week. Sorry I forgot to upload the results on Friday. Oops! If you haven’t won this week, don’t be disheartened, rise to the challenge and see if you can be at the top this week! I…

Congratulations to the winners of the Times Table Rockstars for last week. Sorry I forgot to upload the results on Friday. Oops! If you haven’t won this week, don’t be disheartened, rise to the challenge and see if you can be at the top this week! I know you can do it. Miss Gordon x

Week 1, Day 3 26.03.20

Hopefully, everyone is getting into a good routine with their learning at home now? Try to stick to a similar time each day to do the maths and English activities. This will help you to have learning time and then a break in between.

Today’s tasks include a singing one for all of the family to join in with! Have fun and try to get everyone to become a Ram Sam Master.

Week 1, Day 2 25.03.20

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the glorious sunshine and managing to have some fun in your garden or outdoor space? Did anyone do Jo Wick’s P.E. lesson online yesterday I wonder? If not, search for it on Google (you know how to do it, just like in our Computing lessons). He is putting on a live P.E. lesson every day!

I have uploaded the next maths and English activities for you.

Week 1 - 24th March 2020 Topic work

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have uploaded the English work, Maths work and a Science activity.

As per our classroom practise, the maths and English are divided into Mild, Hot and Spicy levels. Your child will be able to select their choice of chili challenge based upon their understanding of the task and how confident they feel. They are very used to this and, aside from the occasional mismatch of chili challenge and ability level, the children are mostly accurate in their choices.

The Science/Topic activity can be done today or over the course of the week. It links into our previous learning about Animals and their Habitats.

World Book Day 2020

Today the children had LOTS of fun building reading dens in the classroom. Everyone had brought in a blanket, a cuddly toy and a favourite book. The classroom looked very different and the children were totally engrossed in the experience. So much so that they wanted to keep their classroom like that for the rest of the day!
”Please can we do our English work in our dens?”

Kenyan Houses

We spent an enjoyable morning with Margaret, our special visitor from Kenya. She talked to us about the culture and traditions of her home country. The children were very intrigued and asked lots of questions, showing their eagerness to learn about other countries. We then had a go at making traditional Kenyan houses using plasticine bricks and cardboard. The children were delighted to be trying something new and experimenting with how to make a model house, especially designing the windows.. Some of them even managed to make some animals to go outside of their house as well.

World Book day 2019

We had a wonderful day celebrating our favourite stories and books. The children looked so different in their costumes that Mr King didn’t recognise some of them! We love reading in Year 2 and always enjoy opportunities to explore new books.

The aim of the game was to read your book for 3 minutes and then pass it to the person on your right. We did this several times and had the opportunity to read many different types of stories and non-fiction.

The aim of the game was to read your book for 3 minutes and then pass it to the person on your right. We did this several times and had the opportunity to read many different types of stories and non-fiction.

Reading circle 2.jpg
Reading circle 3.jpg
reading circle 4.jpg
reading circle.jpg

2D Shape Investigation

This week we have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes, using words such as vertices, sides, regular and irregular. The children conducted an investigation using lolly sticks. The aim was to make a pattern of triangles, and then develop a formula for how many more sticks each row would require. E.g. 1st row needs 3 sticks, 2nd row needs 6 more, then 3rd row needs 9 more…

The children really enjoyed the practical aspects of this activity and collaborated well. Lots of mathematical discussion taking place!

The day Hedgehogs went to Littlehampton

In the morning we went on the coach to Littlehampton, on our journey we saw Arundel Castle….and the River Arun.

When we arrived we dropped our bags off at the Look & Sea centre, we were put into 2 groups, and one group stayed in the Look & Sea the other group visited the RNLI.

In the L&S we learnt that Littlehampton and Southampton were both called #Hamptons, which confused the sailors, big boats would got to Littlehampton instead of Southampton, so they added on South and Little.

In the RNLI the boats were out on the ramp ready to launch into the sea by tractors. The crew only have 2 minutes to put on the kit; we had a go and did it in 30 seconds!

The big boat had a teddy mascot on it called ‘Teddy’!

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Hedgehog's Wimbledon Day!

On Tuesday 4th July, Hedgehog Class enjoyed a day of learning all about Wimbledon. In English, the Hedgehogs wrote a fact file all about the tournament. Did you know, there is a hawk called Rufus, who circles the sky above the courts to frighten off the pigeons!

In Maths, the Hedgehogs drew out their own courts on the playground with chalk. They positioned themselves on the big rectangle to decide where the lines should go.

Finally in P.E, Hedgehogs had a go at ball control with a racquet, after mastering that they had a go at playing with a partner...watch out for future Andy Murrays and Serena Williams'!


Royal Memorabilia

We brought in some royal memorabilia for 'show and tell' today! They were proud to show us their Granddad's photo of him meeting Prince Charles, as well as a commemorative scrap book of photos of The Queen's Coronation. Wonderful sharing girls...thank you to both of you and a special thank you to their Granddad!
