What time is it?

This week, in maths, Hedgehogs have been looking at and exploring time. In particular, we have focused on quarter past, half past, quarter too and o’clock. To help us with our understanding of time, Year 2 made their very own special clock. They had to complete a face with numbers, make two hands and then use split pins to put their clocks together. Miss Hall was very impressed with how independent and sensible they were when making them.

Once the clocks were made, we then used them to explore different times and show our understanding of the minutes and hour hands. Hedgehogs had to move the hands to the right time which they were very good at. The challenge this week is to see how much time telling Hedgehogs’ can do at home!

This is not just any old junk!

It has been another busy week in Hedgehogs this week. We have had a right giggle especially with writing, learning and performing our pirate jokes. Have a look below at the video with a few of the best pirate jokes below.

One of our pirate projects this week was to create a ship using junk modelling (thank you for all the donations) . Hedgehogs got to decide whether they did this individually or in partners and Miss Hall spotted some brilliant perseverance and team work! Year Two has previously designed and labelled their creations and then used these plans to build and make their ships. We had yogurt pots as the crows nest, straws for the masts and cereal boxes for the main body of the ship. Hedgehogs can’t wait to see the finished products in a couple of weeks time so keep your eyes peeled…

The decks have been busy this week!

This week, Hedgehogs’ have been super busy scrubbing the decks, designing ships from junk modelling (don’t forget to collect) and being just general hard working and wonderful Year 2.

On Tuesday, we had a very special ‘virtual’ visit from the fire service where we learnt how to be safe at home with fire. There is more information on google classroom if you would like to discuss this at home. Hedgehogs were especially brilliant at asking such specific fire service questions.

Then, in maths, they have also been working hard on their division and sharing different amounts between 2, 3, 4 and even 5! They were super at adding the division number sentence too. It was such fun as we got to get all the resources out and Miss Hall let us draw on the tables. Shhh don’t tell Mr King. Keep up the brilliant attitudes Hedgehogs’ - well done!

Ahoy there pirates!

This week Hedgehogs have fallen straight into (luckily not the sea) their new topic ‘Land Ahoy!’’. We have discovered that this is all about pirates. The Year Two’s have had a full on week of transforming into one eyed, one legged and funny looking pirates. They have learnt how to speak like pirates, explored famous sea travellers and even made information booklets all about famous captains. One lesson we enjoyed in particular was science! Hedgehogs got the lab coats and googles on and worked hard to find out which material would be the strongest and best to make a pirate ship. They had to test fabric, paper and plastic. Surprisingly, paper held the most bricks but not for the longest. However, that can be another experiment for another time… We had such brilliant scientist in the room and Hedgehogs’ even wrote a conclusion of their findings. Captain Hall was very impressed!

Flamazing Art Week!

Hedgehogs have had such a brilliant flamingo filled art week. Year Two were so excited about the flamingos that had arrived at school. They have been such creative, expressive and imaginative artists. We have experimented with loads of different materials from fabric to paint and looked at different tones to sketching. Hedgehogs’ have really put there art skills to work. Our main focus has been the process of art and being able to talk about the different stages we experience when making art rather than the end product. So make sure when you come to the exhibition you talk about this. We have also linked our English and PE to flamingos where Hedgehogs’ wrote stories about their very own flamingo and created dances to music with the idea of moving like a bird. It has definitely been a week of hard working.

Welcome back!

Hedgehogs’ have started the new term with a spring in their step and ready to learn this week. And…what a wonderful first week back we’ve had. This week, we have been recapping skills we had learnt from the Autumn term such a column addition and subtraction, conjunctions and adjectives. They even wrote positive reflections on the Autumn term. Hedgehogs’ have particularly enjoyed guided reading this week where they have explored a range of books, played phonics games on the laptops and had free choice when reading. It has been lovely to observe and I got the chance to hear some Year 2 children read. Very impressed. Keep going with this brilliant work Hedgehogs…

Sparkle and Shine! Merry Christmas!

Hedgehogs’ have worked super hard this week on performing in the school nativity ‘Born in a barn’. They all were brilliant performers and remembered all their lines, actions and huge smiles. With all the disruption, they still pulled off such a wonderful and magical show for all the mums and dads. Miss Hall was super proud! A well deserved, huge marshmallow clap for all the different parts. And just look how fabulous they all look…

Christmas Jumper day and all things sparkly!

This week has been a mixture of everything for the Year Twos’s! Hedgehogs’ have been working hard on the Nativity ready to show all our mums and dads next week. They’ve also been completing a variety of ‘Queen Quizzes’ in between all the Christmas chaos that has been going on! Our naughty elf has been causing such a mess in our classroom too. Make sure you ask your Hedgehog. They have all worked super hard and with such great determination in their work this week and Miss Hall is super proud of every happy Hedgehog. 8 Sleeps to go…. We’ve got this!

We've had a special visitor!

Well… on Wednesday, Hedgehogs came into the class and spotted a special visitor that had come down from the North Pole through a secrete door and got snow everywhere! Since then, the naughty elf has been moving around the classroom leaving notes and tasks for the children to do linked to their learning and topic ‘Street Detectives’. One of the tasks was art (Miss Hall was very pleased!) where Hedgehogs had to recreate old fashioned teddies using chalk and pastels. The elf was very impressed with their artistic skills and variety of teddy bears. See if you agree with the naughty elf…

We make a great cream!

As part of our ‘Street Detective’ topic, Hedgehogs explored local towns and villages in geography. We got our magnfying glasses out and spotted different places. One of the things we spotted was a bakers. YUM! So, Year Two used their imagination and ended up in the local bakers.

Monday they started by visiting the bakers in PE, Tuesday they learnt nursery rhymes linked to bakers, Wednesday we got to bake cookies (with Miss Hall - seriously dough!) and then Thursday we thought of rhyming couplets linked to cooking in preparaion for our own nursery rhymes. All you ‘knead’ is 29 Hedgehogs turned into bakers.

We will be doing a take two of the cookies and I will try not to ruin them. Batter late then never…

Hedgehogs have come back with a BANG!

Welcome back happy Hedgehogs! After a lovely week off, Year Two have come back refreshed, eager and ready to learn. One thing that shone this week was the Hedgehogs’ firework pictures. We learnt about the history of bonfire night and the gunpowder plot story. They were then given the opportunity to explore different media’s and create their very own fireworks. We used paint, oil pastels, chalk and even glitter (Miss Hall couldn’t resist). The outcomes were so individual and very expressive. Take a look and remember to ooooo and ahhhh…


Hedgehogs have turned into ROYALS!

To finish our castle topic, the Hedgehogs’ became royals and wrote diaries about their day living in a castle. We started the week exploring what diaries were. Then we got our acting shoes on and pretended that we were kings and queens. Hedgehogs’ were brilliant at moving like king and queens as well as using a very posh voice to tell their fellow royals what they had been doing that day. They came up with brilliant ideas… they had been jousting, riding horses and some of them even had a feast of salmon and chips! We then made some tea stained paper (to make it look old of course) and wrote our diaries entries. Queen Miss Hall was very impressed! Take a look below…

This was not so mellow…

This week hedgehogs were given a DT task to create a castle or tower built from only spaghetti and marshmallows! Gosh, we did get into some sticky situations but some of our Hedgehogs are definitely architects. Year 2 had to plan and build a strong foundation and then build upon this to create a stable and sturdy building. Each castle and tower were different which was very impressive but Miss Hall was even more impressed with the team work that was going on during the lesson. We all agreed that there should most definitely be a marshmallow land somewhere in the world!


Where can you find rivers with no water, cities with no buildings and forests with no trees?

MAPS! In geography this week, we got the maps out and used our skills to read the key to spot bridges, castles, towers and tunnels on them. Some of the map were bigger than the Hedgehogs! Year Two were brilliant at pointing out different landmarks and were able to highlight where a bridge was in our local area. Some children even got side tracked and found Fishers Farm which was very exciting! Miss Hall has set Hedgehogs a mission to find a bridge on the week… Will they succeed?

Rapunzel… let down your hair!

This week has been all about story writing and Miss Hall has been super impressed! We spent the week exploring the story of ‘Rapunzel’ and then completed different activities linked to it. There was some brilliant hot seating, acting and story board planning. Best of all was the stories written by our happy Hedgehogs! They spent a whole morning rewriting the traditional story and making it there own.

Tower off!

This week with bake off starting, hedgehogs thought they’d get involved… It wasn’t a bake off though, it was a tower off! During the week we have been exploring lots of different famous towers and how they are built. So the challenge was to build the tallest, most stable tower with paper and tape BUT Hedgehogs only had 10 minutes. They worked brilliantly in teams the results well… look for yourself.

Castle Crazy!

Hedgehogs started their new topic ‘Towers, Turrets and Tunnels’ and they have made an excellent start! We focused on castles through the ages this week, researched lots of facts and even did an experiment to see if we could knock over our own castles with different materials. Who knew that paper wouldn’t be strong enough to knock over even one brick… Have a look at Hedgehogs hard working below and see what you think!

Happy Hedgehogs!

WOW, What a week! It has been lovely settling into our pile of cosy leaves this week, with our very grown up and smart looking Hedgehogs. They’ve had their spikes at the ready and noses down working super hard on their English, Maths and adjusting to new routines. We’ve had so much fun learning, exploring, and making all things hedgehogs. Did you know hedgehogs can’t drink milk (Miss Hall didn’t)! Have a look below at some of our hedgehogs in action…


As part of our topic called Scented Gardens, we have been studying the artist Vincent Van Gogh. The children have learned to compare what life was like when he was alive, in contrast to now. They have made some beautiful sunflowers to put on display in the classroom.

In Science we are growing sunflowers with a view to gaining a better understanding of what plants need to be strong and healthy. We also have a mini greenhouse to keep outside of our classroom, so that we can conduct our science observations on a regular basis. Who knows what else we might be tempted to grow?

The children are really enjoying exploring plants using all of their senses.


Anti-Bullying Week

The children have been learning about how to be kind to each other, how to be good friends and to recognise when someone’s actions are hurting other people’s feelings. They took part in a workshop on Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed acting out different scenarios with the help of James and his puppet.

In class we made an odd socks display, celebrating being different and what makes us unique. The children also made a ‘friendly hands’ arch to walk under each time they go out to play. They wrote words or a phrase on each digit of the hands, to describe what being a good friend looks and sounds like.
