Year 4 - Owl

Year 4 is the “Owl” class and our class is decorated with owls as well as the work of the children. Year 4 are taught by Mr. Ind with Mrs. Harrison helping every morning.

In Year 4 our topics have included looking at The First World War and the centenary of the armistice as well as commemorating 75 years of D-Day. Our topics for the upcoming academic year will be:

Autumn 1 - I Am Warrior! (Roman Britain)

Autumn 2 - Potions

Spring 1 - Traders and Raiders (Saxons and Vikings)

Spring 2 - Misty Mountain Sierra

Summer 1 - 1066

Summer 2 - The Blue Abyss

With the school closed for a couple of weeks its really important that you keep learning! Mrs Harrison and I have attached some worksheets below to help you during this period. Please try to work through each of the attached worksheets, just click on the topic links below….see you soon! Mr Ind

Week 1 - commencing 16th March 2020



Likes: History - especially the Tudors, science - especially chemistry, Chelsea FC (sorry Mrs. Powell), cheese (most food actually!), Year 4 (most days!), hockey and tennis, spending time with my friends and family, James Bond and classical music, especially film soundtracks!

Dislikes: Stinging nettles; bananas and tomato soup!



Likes: Pyjamas, white wine, sleep and Mr Harrison

Dislikes: Ironing, hoovering, red wine and Mr Harrison!

Weekly Timetable & Curriculum Guide

Monday - Thursday AM (with Mr. Ind and Mrs. Harrison):

Registration, Maths or English, Assembly, BREAK, Spelling, English or Maths, LUNCH

Monday PM (with Mr. Ind): Art/DT and P.E.

Tuesday PM: (Mr. Ind with Year 6)

Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Cave - Self-regulated learning

Wednesday PM (with Mr, Ind): Science

Thursday PM (with Mr. Ind): Humanities & Music/PSRE

Friday AM (with Mr. Ind): Maths and English (Reading)

Friday PM: B&H for P.E.

Helping Your Child

Here are some useful websites:



We really look forward to all of the learning and discovery we can do in Year 4!