Sports Week

We have had a great week learning new skills. We have enjoyed archery and got some good scores. Fox class also had a go at skateboarding this week, which was a lot of fun. To finish the week we ended with sports day, I am so proud of all of them, well done Fox class.

Super Science

This half term we have been learning about forces in science and how they relate to roller coasters. We have investigated friction on different surfaces. Making marbles do a loop-the-loop and air resistance with parachutes. Here are some pictures of our investigations!

Country dancing

Year 5 had a brilliant time at the Country Dancing Festival on Tuesday! Did you know it has been running for 73 years? Mrs Jesse and I were very proud of all the children that came along to dance- well done! Click below to see a video of the brilliant dancing!


Have you ever played a game with co-ordinates? Well, we had a great time today when we used a map of our school and hid cards outside for our friends to find. Each card had its unique co-ordinates, and our friends had to follow them to find the cards.

It was a fun way to learn about co-ordinates while exploring our school's fantastic outdoor area. Not only did we sharpen our co-ordinate skills, but we also exercised our brains, and we had a great time while doing it.

Can you spot the one in the tree?


We had a brilliant time today in our first whole-class clarinet lesson!
We started with some fun warm-up games that helped us understand pulse and rhythm, before putting our clarinets together. Although we only started with the mouthpiece, we soon learnt how to carefully put the reed on and the best way to make a sound (without too many squeaks!).

We are looking forward to learning more and sharing with you our progress towards the end of the summer term!

Super Science Trip- written by 2 Year 5s

First we got on to our school trip bus to Winchester Science Centre. It took one hour to get there! When we finally got there, we put our bags and coats into a trolley. After that, we did a rocket science workshop. Someone called Sunny took the workshop- she showed us this purple liquid that if you shook it and lit the vapour you got to see FIRE! Then we got to make our own rockets. When it was my groups turn, our rocket went the furthest and our astronaut (a lego brick) stayed in it (it was the only one!).

Then we went for lunch (not very exciting). After lunch, we went to the planetarium. We had seats that leaned back and as you looked at the dome it was like we were travelling in space. Then we went downstairs to look at the space things. There were games, interactive activities and lots to explore. Then we went upstairs where there were lots more things like sound proof walls, instruments and liquids. I really enjoyed it but then sadly it was time to go so we got back on the coach.

Starting art week with a POP!

In Year 5 we have been looking at the country of Italy and particularly at Venetian masks. We used a template to sketch an outline and then added details to it. We then used modroc to create the base of our mask on the balloons. A lot of the balloons popped- scaring Miss Clark! But we persevered and managed to successfully get our masks started

Alchemy Island

This week we received a letter from the chief alchemist of Alchemy Island. He sent us a riddle and a map to find where a portal might appear. We solved the riddle and created some brilliant portal pictures that look through to different areas of the island. A member of our class has written a report on what we have seen so far for you to read!

Egyptian tomb

This week Year 5 were set a challenge to create a tomb for a pharaoh. We split into groups and started planning and creating objects for the tomb. We had decorations, a sarcophagus, a death mask and canopic jars. We all worked really well as a team and enjoyed going out in to the tomb (gazebo!) this morning to show all our creations ( even if we did get a bit wet!)

Animal poetry

Over the last two weeks, Fox Class have worked hard to write their own poems based on ‘Red Fox’ by Robert Macfarlane. We looked at the style the poem was written in, lots of rhyming words and identified the metaphors that he had used in his poem. We hope you enjoy reading some of our poems!