Birthday Celebration

Today Year 5 had a great time celebrating the birthdays of people who were born in September, October and November. We played games, ate our birthday snack and had a little dance.

Amazing Adverts

Last week, Fox Class worked really hard to make some amazing adverts to entice people to come to their theme parks. They thought about who their audience might be and what might make them want to come.

Here are a selection of the great adverts that the children created!

Tuesday 12th May

Hello everyone- This the last time I will be posting work on the blog. The blog will go back to being for news, updates and pictures.


Watch the video here and then have a go at finding the equivalent fractions. You could write your answers below. There is an extension task. You do not need to complete the extension task but if you are finishing the first task quickly have a go at the more challenging questions


Watch the video of the next chapter and answer the questions

Cosmic questions


What phrase shows that Lorraine isn’t pleased that everyone knows her name? 


True or false: mum is an anxious woman. Give evidence. 

What is wrong with Liam’s body? 

Why did mum have to get a chair to mark Liam’s height? 

Who does Lorraine think Liam is? Why? 

Why do you think Liam chooses not to tell his mum about his day at school? 


Explain why Liam decided to get rid of his facial hair.


What nickname did people give Liam? 

How much did Liam grow over the Summer? 


Summarise the events of the assembly. 


Write a question for each letter of VIPERS for this chapter and answer them.

Monday 11th May


How was your weekend?

Tomorrow is the last day I’ll be posting on the blog. From then on, everything will be on google classroom.


This week we will be working on fractions. Have a look at the picture and see if you can work out what fraction of the rectangle each shape is worth. Start by looking for halves and quarters and seeing how far you can go. It might help to cut up a piece of paper to see the shapes.



Look at the videos on this page and then have a go at the tasks below

Activity One:

Add information to the sentences below, deciding whether to use commas, dashes or brackets.

1) John watched a scary film last night.

2) Sarah and her friend went to the park to play on the swings.

3) I lost my phone while I was out yesterday.

4) Dolphins belong to the mammal group of vertebrates.

5) My car is in the drive.

6) They went to the park to meet with Steven’s mum.

Activity Two:

Create 10 of your own sentences that include extra information and use commas, dashes or brackets to highlight the extra information.


Create a model or diagram showing the different parts of plant explaining what each part. If you click on the link there are some videos which explain the different parts of the plant and what they do.

Thursday 7th May

Hello- how are you today? Well done to everyone who got on to our google classroom yesterday that was 18 of you!!


Look at these word problems and work them out using the method we practised yesterday.

There are 77 biscuits in a packet. A supermarket orders 9778 packets. How many biscuits will be in the 9778 packets?

A school supplier buys 5540 boxes of pencils. Each box has 56 pencils. How many pencils has the supplier bought?

It takes 78 hours for a satellite to go around the Earth. How many hours will it take for the satellite to go around the Earth 9859 times?

Sacks of potatoes contains an average of 95 potatoes. In a year, a farmer sells 4911 sacks. How many potatoes does she sell in one year?

A rugby club has an average attendance of 6962 people to each match. What is the total attendance for the 39 matches played in a season?

There are 43 children in year 6. Each child pays £75.60 for a school trip. How much do they pay altogether?


Imagine you are Liam on the day after his school trip to Enchantment Land. Write a diary entry as Liam. Explain how you felt on The Cosmic and how your parents reacted.

Google Classroom

Hello everyone!

We are going to be moving to google classroom today! I will continue posting on the blog for a little while but the hope is that eventually everything will be on google classroom.

The blog will revert to being used for short messages and photos etc, as it used to be.

I have added here a copy of the google classrooms guide which will help your parents log on. Click on the button below for the guide.

The classroom can be found at:

The class code is: 4v7n3zt

P.S. Make sure you are logged out of all your google accounts.

I have added a screenshot of the front page of the classroom. This is from the ‘stream’ page. To access lessons, you need to click on ‘classwork’ (top, of screen, second from left).


If you have any difficulties logging on or accessing Google classrooms please email for support. - This video is a guide on how to use google classroom as a parent - This video is a guide on how to use google classroom as a student

Once you have joined Google classroom, I will be able to assign work to you. I am happy to answer queries or make suggestions if you are stuck on anything. I have also attached a guide on how to hand in work once you have completed it. Not everything will need to be uploaded but it will be good to see some of the work that you have been doing!

Wednesday 6th May

Hello everyone- this work is also available on google classrooms for you to complete. Please look at the blog post above on how to sign up!


Watch this video as a reminder of how to multiply a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number and then have a go at the questions below.

678 x 23 

845 x 14 

244 x 77 

45 x 26

487 x 61 

998 x 56

854 x 68

25 x 369 

893 x 34 

784 x 33 


Synonyms and Antonyms

A synonym is a word that has the same definition as another word. eg. big and large

An antonym is a word that has the opposite definition. eg. big and small

Have a go at the task below

Highlight twelve words from the paragraph and write a synonym for each. 

One day I went for a walk down the street. I was hungry so I stopped at a food stand and got a lemonade and a hotdog with mustard. While I was eating and walking, I noticed some woods in the distance. When I got to the woods, I decided to enter the forest. I was a little frightened at first, but then I saw some squirrels and wild flowers. I kept walking and looking around and I felt adventurous and happy to be there. I saw some terrific birds, rabbits, deer, and many different kinds of plants that I had never seen before. It suddenly occurred to me that if I walked any further I might get lost or, worse yet, see a bear. So I decided to turn around and walk back home, but right in front of me was the thing I feared – a bear! All I could think of to do was to run, and that is what I did. I ran all the way home as fast as my legs could carry me. As soon as I got home, I decided not to ever go in those woods again.

Highlight 2 words in each list that are antonyms

1. friend teacher enemy mother brother

2. best far near move many 

3. year past month class future 

4. success bumpy still careful move 

5. good little sick doctor bad 

6. lazy walk run eat hungry 

7. start stop close ugly never 

8. always complete clever few many 

9. grammar light eager dark juicy 

10. country flag peace war park

Topic work

You might need to research using the internet to do this one. You can present in any way you like.

Present a list of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of using local land for allotments.

Tuesday 5th May

Hello everyone- tomorrow I will be posting here and on google classrooms.

On google classrooms you can edit the work and send it back to me so I can see how you have done.

I will post the code for google classrooms on the blog tomorrow!


Have a go at the 2nd lesson in the translation sequence by following the link



Have a go at drawing the word- emphasising the parts that are difficult to remember.


Listen to me read the next chapter of Cosmic and then answer the questions.

  1. Find phrases on the pages below show that the main character enjoyed the ride.

  2. What is the main character’s name?

  3. Why was the man annoyed at dad for asking if anyone had died on the ride?

  4. Explain why Liam doesn’t leave the theme park.

  5. Why can only the main character go on the ride?

  6. Do you think Liam is disobedient? why?

  7. How do you think Liam ended up in space?


Monday 4th May

Happy Star Wars Day!!



Have a look at the work on this link there is a quiz, a video and an activity for you to complete.














Find out the definitions of these words and write them down in your own words.

Commas for clarity

Watch this video

Commas can change the meaning of sentences. Answer the questions below.