
On Monday this week, Year 6 had their first cycling session from the WSCC Bikeability trainers. Children used the playground all day and then, for the rest of the week, went out in small groups onto the roads around Plaistow.

Well done, Year 6… you did really well and were sensible whilst listening to instructions.


On Monday this week, Year 6 had their first cycling session from the WSCC Bikeability trainers. Children used the playground all day and then, for the rest of the week, went out in small groups onto the roads around Plaistow.

Well done, Year 6… you did really well and were sensible whilst listening to instructions.

Final PGL blog…

Now I’m on my sofa, recharging ( both phone and myself) and with wifi, here are pics from today’s Giant Swing!

Everybody went on it ( even though a few were - understandably- a tad edgy beforehand) and did brilliantly!

Well done, year 6! Sooo proud of you. Xx

Final day…

Another good night and we’ve all had breakfast and packed up.

This morning, we have a double giant swing session all together. I will post photos of that once home as these blog posts have consumed all my data plus I need to preserve my phone battery for the journey home.

It’s been a fabulous few days. Your children are wonderful and we’ve loved spending this previous time with them. Personally, how lucky I feel to have had my final trip to PGL with these brave, funny and kind individuals. Xx

More zippiness

More photos from the zip wire fun ‘n’ games today….

The children are currently having a ‘silent disco’ whilst Ms Smith and I hide in the teachers’ room! PS Apologies for including pic of my cat, Louis! Added in error and can’t find a way to delete without restarting this post all over again and, quite frankly, I’m done in and refuse to do that! He’s beautiful anyway, so I’m sure you’ll all enjoy admiring his blue eyes and pink nose!!!

PS apologies … sone of the pics on this post are A LONG WAY DOWN…. So just keep on scrolin’, baby!!

Laser tag!

The kids had great fun playing laser tag this evening. Ms Smith and I had no real idea what on earth was going on but we tried to look like we did!

Everyone is now in bed…yippee! Alarms are set for 7.15 which feels like such a treat!

Tomorrow …. Sailing all morning, with zip wire and something less ( can’t remember, as I type this) in the afternoon.

Night, night from ‘over here’!

We’ve arrived!!!

We have arrived safely and easily. We caught an earlier seacat crossing than planned and then ate our lunch in Ryde.

Now, we are at PGL! One group is doing fencing followed by Trapeze; the other group is doing the same two activities but in reverse.

The most exciting news, however, is that Mrs P managed to use the excuse of, ‘but I’m retiring soon, I’ve been coming here for years and years, and it would be such a treat!’ to alter breakfast time from 7.15 to 8.15. Whoop!!

Our evening meal is at 17.45 and then we have Laser Tag until 20.30.

Hopefully, everyone will feel completely worn out after that and ready to fall into a long, deep sleep very rapidly?!?!?!

We’ve arrived!!!

We have arrived safely and easily. We caught an earlier seacat crossing than planned and then ate our lunch in Ryde.

Now, we are at PGL! One group is doing fencing followed by Trapeze; the other group is doing the same two activities but in reverse.

The most exciting news, however, is that Mrs P managed to use the excuse of, ‘but I’m retiring soon, I’ve been coming here for years and years, and it would be such a treat!’ to alter breakfast time from 7.15 to 8.15. Whoop!!

Our evening meal is at 17.45 and then we have Laser Tag until 20.30.

Hopefully, everyone will feel completely worn out after that and ready to fall into a long, deep sleep very rapidly?!?!?!

Outdoor vectors

In readiness for D day, Year 6 were reminded of how to apply vectors to coordinates. Vectors give you instructions on whether to move up or down, left or right.

We then practised this outdoors for no real reason other than that it was a lovely sunny day and Miss Smith and Mrs Powell wanted to get outside into the sunshine. They need to fully recharge their batteries before their 72 hour duty next week!!

Little Lifesavers…

Year 6 were so lucky to have a visit from three lovely volunteers who work for the charity, Little Lifesavers, this week. We all learned some really important skills and are all going to check where the nearest defibrillators to our homes are now. Do you know where your nearest one is?

It’s all over…. And not just for another year!

A HUGE well done to Year 6. You absolutely worked you socks off this week and we are all so proud of you. It was a privilege to be in the hall with you, watching you all, heads down, beavering away… You have all made amazing progress and have done everything you could to show people what you can do.

it was quite a moment for me today telling you to ‘Now put your pencils down’ at the end of the final test. I have said those words so many times over the years. It was quite a strange feeling knowing that that was my last time but how chuffed I am that is was with you lovely lot! Well done. Xx