Merry Christmas

I am so proud of everyone in Badger Class for how caring and kind they are with their buddies. Today was another perfect example of that. They read stories to their buddy and then played with them, helping build train tracks, towers and all sorts. Both Reception and Year Six children were excited to see their buddy and spend time together and it was really heartwarming to see. The most important thing you can be is kind and they certainly are. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

The best week EVER!

We’ve been very creative this week! In art we painted our Maya masks and have taken them home to terrorise show our families.

In French we used fake blood and face paint to give ourselves realistic looking injuries, then role played doctors and patients.

In D.T. we cooked Maya food; tortillas, sweet potato, salsa and guacamole. We also tried hot chocolate- Maya style, by adding cinnamon and chilli. Most of us tried something we’d never had before and we all enjoyed the majority of the dishes. HUGE thanks to the parents that helped.

6th December 2024

In D.T., year six used their science knowledge from their electricity topic to help them design intruder alarms. Having drawn circuit diagrams and annotated sketches of their sensor, they made a prototype and tested it in the art cupboard. After some alterations and adaptations to their designs, everyone was successful. It was great to see different approaches, from using the door handle or hinges as triggers, to the weight of intruders.

Our London visitors

Year 6 were excited to welcome back our friends from Plaistow Primary School in London to our school this week.

As the weather was looking decidedly unsummery, we had to juggle the order of activities so, after a quick getting-to-know-you session, we cracked on with making s’mores and lighting the fire together. We then took a stroll to the shop (‘Is that the ONLY shop?’) before having fun on the village green together.

Then, it was back to school for lunch and a play together before they headed off to PGL for their residential.

It was absolutely lovely to see everyone playing so nicely together. Year 6 behaved fabulously and I’m incredibly proud of them for being so welcoming.


On Monday this week, Year 6 had their first cycling session from the WSCC Bikeability trainers. Children used the playground all day and then, for the rest of the week, went out in small groups onto the roads around Plaistow.

Well done, Year 6… you did really well and were sensible whilst listening to instructions.


On Monday this week, Year 6 had their first cycling session from the WSCC Bikeability trainers. Children used the playground all day and then, for the rest of the week, went out in small groups onto the roads around Plaistow.

Well done, Year 6… you did really well and were sensible whilst listening to instructions.

Final PGL blog…

Now I’m on my sofa, recharging ( both phone and myself) and with wifi, here are pics from today’s Giant Swing!

Everybody went on it ( even though a few were - understandably- a tad edgy beforehand) and did brilliantly!

Well done, year 6! Sooo proud of you. Xx

Final day…

Another good night and we’ve all had breakfast and packed up.

This morning, we have a double giant swing session all together. I will post photos of that once home as these blog posts have consumed all my data plus I need to preserve my phone battery for the journey home.

It’s been a fabulous few days. Your children are wonderful and we’ve loved spending this previous time with them. Personally, how lucky I feel to have had my final trip to PGL with these brave, funny and kind individuals. Xx

More zippiness

More photos from the zip wire fun ‘n’ games today….

The children are currently having a ‘silent disco’ whilst Ms Smith and I hide in the teachers’ room! PS Apologies for including pic of my cat, Louis! Added in error and can’t find a way to delete without restarting this post all over again and, quite frankly, I’m done in and refuse to do that! He’s beautiful anyway, so I’m sure you’ll all enjoy admiring his blue eyes and pink nose!!!

PS apologies … sone of the pics on this post are A LONG WAY DOWN…. So just keep on scrolin’, baby!!

Laser tag!

The kids had great fun playing laser tag this evening. Ms Smith and I had no real idea what on earth was going on but we tried to look like we did!

Everyone is now in bed…yippee! Alarms are set for 7.15 which feels like such a treat!

Tomorrow …. Sailing all morning, with zip wire and something less ( can’t remember, as I type this) in the afternoon.

Night, night from ‘over here’!