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Year 6 work for Tuesday 24 March

Here it is! This is what you have been eagerly awaiting! The Year 6 work. Whoop whoop!

Do not start until Tuesday!

We will start using tests from the orange folder (the tests are Set B). Everyone SHOULD have this as it was given out early on. Most of you also now have a yellow folder (contains SET A tests - sorry for doing B before A - I had intended on doing A in school but that was before everything suddenly altered!! I am not usually so illogical!). The third folder that almost everyone now has (AC and BC - yours is waiting for you outside school) which is pink and has 2017 tests. Yellow and pink folders will be used in future weeks.


Orange folder – First 20 arithmetic questions from paper 1

Orange folder - First 5 reasoning questions from paper 2

15 mins on TT Rock Stars

Answers will be put up in a few days’ time.


First 25 Spag test questions from orange folder

First text from Reading Comp red folder (All about Mice). Remember everything we have learnt about how to CAREFULLY and THOROUGHLY answer questions!


Choose one topic challenge to commence today.

Other: Please try to get out in your garden, whatever the weather. If you don’t have a garden, open your windows wide and enjoy the fresh air.

Enjoy, y’all! I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. Mrs P xx PS - I have attached a copy of the most beautiful visitor to school this morning. This is Ronnie Hannan. He is only 3 months old and looks like a dark haired womble. In fact, his curly brown locks reminded my of my lovely boy, Ted, who is stuck in Spain right now. Guess what? Yup - those curls nearly made me cry!!