Monday 30 March Year 6 work
Morning everyone .. I hope you had a good weekend.
The button on my school laptop that has a dash on is not working (great!) so I am having to use … rather more than I would normally. Apologies but it’s out of my hands!
Here is today’s work. It’s a ‘marking’ kind of day today! Email me with your scores from all the papers (not separate emails for each paper, one email for all 4!)
Answers from arithmetic... mark yours and identify errors. The answers are on photos below…
Answers from Reasoning paper 2... as above … Mark your test (photos of answers below) and try to identify those questions where you didn’t read the question properly.
Answers to Spag from last week. Photos below. Who forgot capitals or punctuation and therefore lost marks?!?!
I have also added photos of the Reading Comprehension test please use these for TOMORROW’S English work (which will be to mark Reading Comp!)