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Year 6 work for Tuesday 21 April

We are creeping our way through April… thank goodness. Well, here is today’s work… bet you can’t wait!!


Target Your Maths pg 156 test 2. The page with the test on (you did Test 1 then) was posted on Wednesday March 25 so you’ll need to scroll back a bit (to that date) on this blog page.


Yesterday, you wrote down your prediction for the ending of the book. Reread the first slides of The Watertower. I have added the rest of the book below, so you can read that once you have reread the earlier part. It just helps to go over what you’ve read before as sometimes you identify or notice things which you had not done on your first attempt.

Now read the remaining slides of the book.

How close was your prediction?

Think back to your initial thoughts about Bubba and Spike’s relationship at the start. Has this changed now? How? Why? Make notes on this.