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Moving over to Google Classrooms - parents needed!

There are a number of changes coming over the next two weeks for Year 6.

Google Classrooms:

In order to streamline my output, I am, this week, positing all work on both the blog and also on Google Classroom for Year 6. This will give you a week to get used to how Google Classrooms works. I am not an IT expert but managed t get to grips with it myself, at home, in a couple of days last week, including setting up and posting all the work etc, so it is definitely relatively straight forward for everyone! The best way, though, is to just put aside an hour or two and give it a proper go. Year 4 are already up and running with it so, if you are stuck and know a helpful Year 4 parent, they might be your best port of call in the first instance. There are definitely one or two Year 6 parents who also have Year 4 children so hopefully we can all help one another to get started on this new form of posting work.

For me, BY FAR, the biggest advantage to switching over is that I can add questions or small quizzes which the children have to answer. That way, I can see who has logged on and given things a go. At the moment, I have been receiving regular emails from some people but have heard nothing from a few others, so this will be a definite advantage in improving communication.

I have added here a copy of the google classrooms guide which will help your parents log on. Click on the Google Classrooms Parent Guide below for the guide.

You have to create your own email in the format as set out in the guide (firstnamesurname). These have already been created by school but we are unable to add a list here for GDPR reasons. One or two of you have complicated surnames - if that is you, please contact me asap to ask for the email details that have been created by school for you.

The classroom can be found at:

Password to join is: eh2cw2i

I have also attached a Google Classrooms handing in homework guide - click on the second button below. I will be checking who has handed work in although I won’t be sending individual feedback back each day. I can, of course, be on hand, as i have been fr the past 5 weeks, to provide advice and answer questions for both children and parents.

P.S. Make sure you are logged out of all your google accounts.

I have added a screenshot of the front page of the classroom. This is from the ‘stream’ page. To access lessons, you need to click on ‘classwork’ (top, of screen, second from left).

Using National Academy work:

In another weeks time, I will be referring to lessons created by a new set up called Oak National Academy. This has been created with government input to help provide high quality, online lessons for years Reception to 10. The advantage, for Year 6, is that if children are finding, say, the maths too easy, they can have a look at the Year 7 work instead. This should hold them in really good stead in readiness for their transition to secondary school in just a few months’ time. Equally, if things are proving too tricky, they can have a look at Year 5 instead. There is nothing wrong with doing this. Remember, what is taught in Year 6 has already been introduced in Year 5. Your child might just need a little time to go over the introduction of new areas again. That is absolutely fine.

In one week’s time I will be using lessons from the National Academy and you will see links to them in our Google Classroom. One thing I am really, really excited about is that it means we can now learn SPANISH!!! I think tat is fabulous. Anyway, more of this later but I just wanted to give you early notice of this exciting development in our online learning.

Finally, please, could I possibly ask for questions from parents and children to keep to normal working hours, (8-5 weekdays) really for my own well-being. Over the past few weeks, I have had very many emails etc at weekends and/or very late at night and it just makes it very hard for me to switch my tired old brain off from the job. If there is a way in which you could send them to me during normal hours, that would be enormously appreciated. Thank you, in advance.