We have a fantastic Year 6 Class

Year 6 are working really hard and are committed to proving how capable they are by the time we reach May. This week, they are taking home copies of a Reading Comprehension test and a Maths Reasoning test which they sat earlier this week. They need an adult at home to go through these tests with them to try to improve their answers. The more collaboration we can generate between home and school, the better for these lovely 10 and 11 year olds.

Please could the adults feel free to add written comments and/or suggestions for their children to help them.

Also, please, a reminder for everyone to remember to send their slips back to school asap showing which secondary school their child will be attending. Many thanks.

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Yummmmmmmmy .... not!!

Well, my pelvic floor exercises were severely tested this week (and I had an enormous third baby!!) when Year 6 tried to follow one another’s sets of instructions on how to make a ‘deluxe’ sandwich!!! Most of them forgot about the existence of 'knives etc on their first attempt. Despite this, they still chose to tuck in with gusto after they had made their edible delights. I was even offered a nibble. I politely declined!!

Thanks to all you lovely parents for coming along this morning for the SATs talk. For anyone who couldn’t make it, the powerpoint that I used is further down on the Year 6 ‘Our Learning’ page on the website… down near the bottom.


A class of lovely little angels (... I mean angles!)

Years 5 and 6 combined this morning to practice using protractors together. Mrs Powell made a complicated-looking sheet for us to measure but we quickly spotted that we didn’t actually need to measure every single angle. As long as we knew that a straight line had 180 degrees, we could save ourselves lots of time. We then checked our measurements to ensure they made sense. We could do this as we know that the sum of the internal angles for a triangle is 180 degrees, 360 for a quadrilateral, and 540 for a pentagon.


Street Dance


This week Year 6 had a visit from Laura, a street dance teacher. Laura taught us a range of hip hop and break dancing moves so we could put them together into a dance. It was great to try different styles and some were tricky! Street dancers traditionally have grumpy faces when dancing but this was very hard to do as everyone had a great time.

Art Week

In Year 6, we also looked at the picture, The Battle of San Romano by Uccello, as part of our Take One Picture work in school. We focused in on the people in the background, and tried to replicate one of the running men both in drawings (with movable legs, no less!) as well as in a PE lesson. We also used the painting to inspire us in writing, creating a range of lovely written pieces covering a large number of genres. Finally, we looked at the importance of flags and tried to understand why the flag in the painting was so prominent. We have made our own, large and fabulous Year 6 flag which will go up on display in school shortly. We used heraldry symbols to try to create our own mini flags within a flag!

Finally, thank you to everyone for all the lovely Christmas presents I received from everyone - I am so grateful. I am still trying to decide what to spend my voucher on (I I take ages deciding these things - it is the cause of much ‘debate’ in my house at the moment but I find that that is part of the fun of a voucher!!!) xx


Mayan mocktails!

Year 6 enjoyed themselves this week designing and then making (and then consuming!!) Mayan mocktails. They tried to use ingredients that were authentic and would be available to the Mayans such as mango, pineapple and even chocolate. The children worked really well together in their teams, and the variety of drinks produced was astonishing. One team even used a carved out melon as their ‘cup’.


Mayan visitors

We spent Monday morning immersed in a Mayan world when Ian from Mexicolore visited us. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about the Mayans and are looking forward to learning even more as the half term progresses. Some of us played different instruments, dressed up in unusual outfits and a couple of us tried playing a rather different game using a very heavy rubber ball and our hips!


The end of the Victorian era

Year 6 have learnt lots and lots about the Victorian era and managed to finish their Victorian samplers this week (serious speed sewing required - just like being in a Victorian workhouse!!).

Next term, we dive into learning about the Mayan civilisation - should be great fun. Mrs Powell and Mrs Cave hope the class have a fabulous, relaxing half term - see you in November. x

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