On Wednesday our x-country team went off to Billingshurst to take part in some x-country races.
Year 3&4 ran first with three of our girls taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in that race.
Next the Year 5 girls ran and earned 158 points for their team. Overall they came 4th. Then it was the turn of the Year 5 boys where everyone finished in the top 15 places. This earned them 47 points and the team came first out of all the schools.
The year 6 girls ran next and earned 104 points for the team placing them in 4th place. The year 6 boys also earned 104 points and came second our of all the schools.
Well done to all our runners. You all showed great determination and team spirit. We are very proud of all of you. Thank you to everyone who helped with transport and supported our teams.