Forest School Blog No. 8

If you have had a chance to watch Springwatch, you’ll know that there is so much wildlife to see everywhere. You only have to look in some long grass, look up under a tree or amongst the flowers. You’ll even find things in unexpected places.

What wildlife have you spotted over the last few weeks?

I spent 5 minutes in my garden and spotted these creatures.

Look through the pictures below and see if you can identify the following:

Migrant Hover fly, Rose Aphids, White-tailed Bumblebee, Black-spotted Ladybird larvae, Common Green Bottle Fly.

snail collage.jpg
Yes, it’s a Cheerio worm!

Yes, it’s a Cheerio worm!

Egg box minibeats.jpg



What shapes can you spot in the clouds?

While you are looking up, let the clouds be your thoughts.

Let them come and go and notice that they are always changing.

Have lots of fun!

Mrs Morris