I hope you’ve been able to go outdoors and enjoy the lovely weather.
There so many wild flowers out alongside the paths and hedges, and all the trees are covered in new leaves now. I wonder how many different trees you can name in the woods, and when you go for a walk see how many wild flowers you can spot too. Can you find all of the flowers on the spotter sheet? https://wildlifewatch.org.uk/images/Downloads/spotters/summer%20flowers.pdf
Even if you don’t use the spotter sheets you can create a picture in the woods, like the one above, or you could even bring a few back home and do one of my favourite Forest School activities – leaf bashing or Hape Zome (Hape Zome, or leaf printing, is the ,originally Japanese, process of extracting the colour pigments from leaves and flowers onto fabric.).
Here are some youtube videos to explain what to do. We often make our prints into flags by making a couple of small slits, with a pair of scissors, on one side and sliding a stick through. Put your flag in the garden on display, you could even try a rainbow flag or some bunting. Go on, give it a go, it’s great fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vioIHWFjsiE
Well, that should keep you all busy for now, hope to see you all soon, happy den building!
Blue skies,
Mrs Jesse