Another Forest School morning...

The Robin’s had such a wonderful morning at Forest School this week.

The sun was shining and the bluebells in full bloom!

The Robins went for a lovely walk to explore the wood and look at the bluebells. They enjoyed sitting amongst them while having a biscuit in the sunshine. We even had a couple of sun bathers!

Well done Robins!

We love Forest School!

We had such a lovely morning exploring birds and our wonderful outside areas.

We thought about how birds moved and spent time building nests for our lovely fluffy friends. All the children worked together so well and thought about how to keep the birds safe from predators.

Well done Robins!

Getting onto Robin Class' Google Classroom

Good morning Robins,

To access activities related to the children’s learning they need to be signed up to their Google Classroom. Here is a youtube clip with everything you need to know about google classroom as a parent. Have a watch…

As our children are only 4/5 we won’t be using it in such a complex way but it gives you an idea.

So, now you have to create your own email in the format as set out in the guide (firstnamesurname). These have already been created by school but we are unable to add a list here for GDPR reasons. One or two of you have complicated surnames - if that is you, please contact the office to ask for the email details that have been created by school for you.

The classroom can be found at:

Password to join is: 2b77vii

P.S. Make sure you are logged out of all your google accounts.

I have added a screenshot of the front page of the classroom. This is from the ‘stream’ page. To access lessons, you need to click on ‘classwork’ (top, of screen, second from left).

Here is a link on our website with a guide to setting up and joining - GOOGLE CLASSROOM PARENT GUIDE

Please get in touch if you have any difficulties accessing google classroom. If you have any difficulties logging on or accessing Google classrooms please email Paul Hannan on for support.

ART WEEK 2023!

Well we have had such a lovely time in the Robin nest, being creative and learning new things!

We have really enjoyed learning about India. We have been exploring Rangoli patterns and made our own using chalk.

We have explored the meanings of different colours in Indian culture and created beautiful sun catchers which we are all excited to hang outside the classroom once they are dry…and when the weather improves!

Elephants are seen as sacred animals in India and are often decorated with paint and head dress so we have painted elephants with different patterns to celebrate their significance.

It has been so lovely to see such creativity in the children, they have all worked so hard. We will be sharing pictures of some of their creations soon and can’t wait for parents to visit our exhibition next Friday!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Grounds Day!

The Robins have now been in school for 5 whole weeks and they have all settled in so beautifully.

We started this week off with our Grounds Day and we all had so much fun planting flowers and bulbs around our school area. In Robin class, we all like to get stuck in and it was clear that the children enjoyed getting their hands dirty by the colour of the water and the amount of mud on their clothes. We even found some wiggly and slimy friends along the way.

We were very grateful for many of our lovely parents for coming along to help- Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend and a well earned rest before our last week before our half term break.

Another busy week of learning in the Robin nest!

Another busy week this week!

We have been exploring adding two numbers together using our careful counting in Maths. We have all worked really hard on our letter formation and writing sentences about bugs! We have looked at rhyming words and the story ‘What the ladybird heard’ which we all loved! The children have explored the life cycle of a ladybird and created ladybird and butterfly art! With the wonderful sunny weather we have had, most of the children have chosen to spend their explorer time in the outside area with many searching for bugs and digging in the mud kitchen!

We went on our own bug hunt around the school, finding many worms, beetles, woodlice and spiders! The children also had a wonderful afternoon at Forest school too!

Well done Robin Class!

I was lucky enough to go on Forest school with the children before the Easter holidays and I had the best time! Have a look at the pictures to see what the children got up to!

A special visit!

What a busy start to our Summer term!

We were lucky to have a very special visit this week from the Fire and Rescue Service who came and spoke to us about fire safety and showed us their important fire suit to keep them safe when they are dealing with a fire.

We played games and acted out what we would do if we were in the fire service. We learnt a special song to help us remember how to stay safe.

Matches, lighters, never touch!
They can hurt you very much!

The children can show you the actions to go along with the song too! It was so much fun!

We have also started our new topic ‘Why do ladybirds have spots?’

The children have already been hunting for bugs in our lovely area and have created wonderful caterpillar art too! But that is not all- the children have been busy using their sounds to write sentences about bugs and have learnt all about doubling by adding more spots to ladybirds.

With all this hard work, they may need a rest this weekend!

Well done Robins!

This one is not too hot or too cold but just right!

As part of our Once upon a time topic, we have been exploring many traditional tales including Little Red Riding Hood, The three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

We all had so much fun this week making our own delicious porridge that was “just right”.

The children were fantastic at working together to pour the oats and milk into the bowl and mix them together well. They had the choice of topping for their bowl too!

It was lovely to see children enjoying their porridge and see some children taste porridge for the first time!

Well done Robins!

Marvellous Robins!

We had such a lovely week together in Robin Class.

The children have been busy counting- using our Numicon to practise our numbers and putting them into the correct order.

We have been learning more of sounds and blending real and nonsense words with Fred Frog.

We have really enjoyed singing, practising our songs for the Harvest Festival Service next week. What lovely voices!

The children enjoyed their Forest School session, making things out of wood- pictures to follow!

We have looked at The Very Hungry Caterpillar story and enjoyed writing our names and creating caterpillars by using cotton reels to print with paint. We have talked about food which is healthy and other food that is more of an occasional treat!

What a busy week, we are all looking forward to a restful weekend so that we are ready for all the fun next week!


Well our fluffy Robins have really enjoyed getting to know their Year 6 buddy more.

It has been so lovely to see the children play together and learn more about each other. The Year 6’s have been so wonderful with the Robins, showing them around our play ground areas and playing games with them. The Robins look for their Year 6 buddy when walking around the school and have really benefited from the time they spend together.

Another week!

Well we have been having lots of fun this week in the Robin’s nest!

We have learnt five new sounds in Phonics and have become so quick at making all the sounds learnt so far in our speed sound exercise.

The children have created beautiful self-portraits using paint as part of our ‘Marvellous me- Who am I?’ topic. We will post a picture when they are all up on display!

We have been really enjoyed spending break time with our Year 6 buddies this week too!

We had another lovely morning with Mrs Jesse and Mrs Morris for Forest School, having fun exploring and meeting our new chickens!

As promised, here are some pictures of our time enjoying Forest School.

Have a lovely weekend =)


Well, here we are at the end of another week in the Robin nest! The first week where the children have spent all day with us.

The children have all been incredible, getting stuck into the learning and enjoying our outside spaces.

This week, the children had their Forest School morning with Mrs Jesse and Mrs Morris, where they explored more of our nature areas in school. They thoroughly enjoyed finding natural items as part of a scavenger hunt and are really looking forward to next week!

Well done wonderful robins! Have a lovely weekend!

Pictures to follow =)

Robin's first week together!


It is so hard to believe that our wonderful fluffy Robins have only just started their journey in our Reception nest because they have all been so incredibly brave, confident and enthusiastic during their first week here.

We have explored our reception area and had fun playing with friends and getting to know new faces. The children have enjoyed having lunch together in the hall and playing together at play time. Mrs Jesse and Mrs Morris had a great time getting to know the children and are looking forward to spending more time with them on Forest School next week.

Every Robin should be so proud of themselves, you are all superstars!

We hope you all have a lovely, restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week when you will be staying with us all day!

Miss Moss-Silverson & Mrs Howe

Actual JELLYfish!

This week Robins made actual jellyfish! Well not exactly… but it was real jelly. They were brilliant at following the instructions, dissolving the cubes of jelly and then pouring it into cups ready for the fridge. Robins then tasted the jelly and came up with some excellent describing words. They said it was squishy, slimey, bouncy, springy and most importantly delicious!

A week of home learning!

Where do I start? I have been so impressed with all the Robins’ home learning this week and how they have taken on every single challenge that has been set for them. We have continued our topic ‘Under the Sea’, completed loads of writing in phonics and even explored lots of maths skills in number time. They all deserve a huge marshmellow clap for being so resilient, chirpy and just all round amazing. Here’s a sneak peak of the shops that were made, seaside writing and wonderful water play! Not long until we are back in our nest so keep up the hard work all of you…

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Screenshot 2021-07-07 21.30.53.png

Jellyfish madness!

Robins have been continuing their topic ‘under the sea’ and this week have been exploring and learning about jellyfish! We learnt lots of facts about them, made wiggly jellyfish and even played with pretend ones in the water. Robins also focused on the book ‘peanut and the jellyfish’ which was all about friendships in the deep blue sea! Have a look below at our swarm of pinky, purples, tentacles…

Sports Week!

WOW… what a way to start the last part of summer term. Robins’ sports week has been full of determination, pumping hearts but most importantly huge smiles. This week, we have experienced ultimate frisbee, some super street dance moves and climbed through a cave bus. Miss Hall has been so proud of her nest as they’ve all given each activity a try. Have a look at the pictures below and see if you can spot your Robin throwing, dancing or climbing…

Buzzzz…Honey Bread!

To finish our mini beast topic off, Robins’ had a very special delivery from some little yellow and black bugs. Can you guess which one? That’s right… BEES! They delivered us a story about how honey is made and even left honey to make honey toast. Robins very carefully used the knives to spread butter and honey onto their toast. They then had to cut it in half which they were brilliant at doing. The last step was then to eat it! We thought honey toast was absolutely delicious and lots of Robins wanted to have a go at making this at home in the half term too! Why not try it and let Miss Hall know…

Nature Snails!

We’ve been exploring snails this week and in particular their spiral shells! Robins have been very fascinated with the different swirls, colours and patterns on them. On Tuesday, Robins went outside and become nature explorers. They were set a mission to go and collect different outside materials to create their own nature snail shell. Robins were brilliant at making spirals that looked just like Norman the snails shell from our story this week.