Another busy week this week!
We have been exploring adding two numbers together using our careful counting in Maths. We have all worked really hard on our letter formation and writing sentences about bugs! We have looked at rhyming words and the story ‘What the ladybird heard’ which we all loved! The children have explored the life cycle of a ladybird and created ladybird and butterfly art! With the wonderful sunny weather we have had, most of the children have chosen to spend their explorer time in the outside area with many searching for bugs and digging in the mud kitchen!
We went on our own bug hunt around the school, finding many worms, beetles, woodlice and spiders! The children also had a wonderful afternoon at Forest school too!
Well done Robin Class!
I was lucky enough to go on Forest school with the children before the Easter holidays and I had the best time! Have a look at the pictures to see what the children got up to!