I hope this video works… MAGIC FINGERS ROBINS! All you’ve got to do is click the play button on the Robins red chest.
Thank you for sharing - Just wanted to add that a family in our class has collaborated with different artists and has created a colouring book for the kids (and parents) stuck at home. The link is below…
Hope you all had a lovely weekend and ready for another week of home learning. Bring on more Miss Hall videos haha…
*Mrs Parsons told me that all the writing was backwards in the story video so will tweek that for future videos haha! This is a learning curve for me.
This will be the last week of blog work before the Easter holidays so take full advantage before having a 2 week break. I am going to do a mixture of our topic and later on in the week some EGGciting Easter activities.
Keep positive and sparkling because I know you all are being secret superheros and making me proud!
Sparkly hugs,
Miss Hall x