For maths today, we are continuing being shape investigators. We are going to focus on 3D shapes! Who can remember what a 3D shape is? It is a soild shape (Robins might remember the hand action). Lets start by reminding ourselves what the 3D shapes look like and their names. Look and point below…
Then have a look at another shape song but this with a focus on 3D shapes and what they look like in our world around us. See if you can learn the song or remember the shape names or even some of their properties. Push play…
After, I would now like you to go on a 3D shape hunt around your house. I had a go and made a video for you to see what I found… I didn’t do very well! Can you do better than me?
I’ve also added a checklist if you want to tick the shapes off or see how many of a specific shape you found. You could even make your own checklist if you wanted to.