We are working so hard on our phonics, well done Robins! This week we are looking at another new sound and another new book. How exciting. To start you phonics sessions go through the new super sounds video and check I’ve got all the sounds right. See if you can beat me before I say the sound…
Our new super sound this week is ‘ng’. We usually find this super sound at the end of words. Can you say the sound ng? Can you write the sound ng on the table, in the air and on your hand? Have a look at the pictures and words below to practice reading words with ng in. Can you read what they say?
For this week’s book we are going to be reading ‘Pip’s Pizza’… yum yum! Who likes pizza in our class? Have a listen to what happens in this story by pushing play on the pizza and then answer some of the questions below.
Can you say, draw or write different pizza toppings you like?
Do we normally have nuts on our pizza?
What do think Pip might add to the pizza?
What shape is our pizza usually?
How do we make pizza?