Begin phonics today with playing ‘What begins with…’ This game is very simple, you say - What begins with sh? then your Robin has to name something beginning with that letter so they might say shop. Then repeat again - What begins with d? Try do sounds that you know they might need extra help with. There are a few clips below if you need help. Just push play.
We are then going to revisit our new super sound ‘ng’. Have a look at it with Fred. This time I have put some pictures below with the ng sound in. Say the name of the object and see if you can hear the ng sound? Where does it come in the word? Can you sound the object out using phonic sound buttons?
We are now going to start our new book ‘Pip’s Pizza’ and read the first page. Below is the green and red words that you will find in the book. So start of my reading through those to help with the fluency of their reading.
Now read the first page…
Great reading! Can you anwser these questions next?
What can Zip smell?
Do you think Zip likes pizza?
How do you know Zip likes pizza?
What does he do or say that shows he likes pizza?