For maths today, I would like you to do it outside during our ‘forest school’ session or go and get the materials from outside an bring them in. We are going to continue thinking about our sharing but not halving it this time, sharing amount between 3,4 and even 5!
So, all you need is some sticks and leaves. Firstly make some circles like my picture to the right with sticks. These are going to be how many be share or divide by.
Then begin to add different amounts. The first one I did was 3 shared by 3. How many did each circle get? Look at the pictures below and see if I did it right!
Then have a go with more leaves. Try finding 6 leaves and sharing them between 3 and then finding 9 leaves and sharing them between 3. If you are feeling really brave… how about 12 leaves. Look at the pictures below for help.
If you like doing this game then why not make it harder. Can you share between 4? Make another circle like my picture on the left and try sharing out 4 leaves, 8 leaves and even 16 leaves.